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Welcome to Chatsworth,
As part of our orientation we recognise the importance of going through the software platforms we use and giving you support as you learn to use each one.
This document will give you a brief introduction to each platform and outline how to access them via the app or online.
Chatsworth Parent platforms:

This is Chatsworth's main Management information platform that is used by staff, students and parents.for curriculum design, attendance and behaviour recording along with storing academic grades and teacher reports. As a parent through ManageBac you have access to your child's attendance, grades, behaviour and termly academic reports.

This is the platform used for Parent Teacher Student Conferences (PTSC) and our co-curricular and extracurricular activities (CCA & ECA).

G.suite G.Classroom homework updates (Secondary only)
To receive notifications of your child's set assignments, homework and updates added to your child’s Google Classroom please email IT@chatsworth.com.sg You will then be sent an email with a get notifications button included.
Note that each subject has their own G.Classroom.

Seesaw (For Primary parents only)
This is a student lead learning portfolio. It is used in the classroom in many ways to allow your child to engage in a variety of creative, differentiated learning activities, share their learning with peers and connect their class learning with home. For app download links and an introduction to Seesaw for parents, please take a look at https://app.seesaw.me/#/login
For more information on the set-up of the platforms, click here.
Any further questions or support please contact Edtech@chatsworth.com.sg