School Health
The health and safety of our students is our top priority. At Chatsworth, we take a holistic approach to health, providing students with information to make good choices regarding sleep, diet, exercise and managing stress.
There is a full-time nurse on campus during school days, from 8.30am to 4.30pm. The School Nurse provides healthcare for students and is also available to give information regarding health issues relevant to the school and our students. The nurse is also an important part of our Student Services team and liaises with parents and students on a variety of aspects of school life. Parents who have any concerns on related health matters are free to contact the nurse.
Community Health & Safety Continue To Be Our Top Priority

For contact tracing purposes, please scan the QR code to check-in upon entry to the campus

Temperature checks will be conducted for everyone upon entry

Wear your face mask and practice good hygiene at all times

Keep a safe distance of at least 1 metre apart from one another

Please wash your hands frequently and use the hand sanitizers located throughout the campus

Common areas are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected throughout the day
Chatsworth Updates On Covid-19
Given the evolving Covid-19 situation, updates regarding the school response to all changes as it becomes available through the regulatory bodies will be sent to parents.
You may visit MOH website for the latest update on the Covid-19 location situation.
Our two week holiday commences at the end of this week and the timing is right for us all to take a break. During this coming holiday, we ask that you check your email daily. Two weeks can be a long time where things are changing almost daily and we will send information out to our community as needed. We also ask that you follow the MOH website, MOE website, and other government news to keep up-to-date on what is happening in Singapore.
Local authorities have strongly asked that you do not travel during this period. Given the number of countries now on Stay-Home Notices (SHN), it is unlikely that many people will be travelling, but there may be some who have emergency travel that is necessary. Previously, we had asked parents to complete forms for Travel Declaration and I am afraid we need to ask you to do this, once again. We’ve had to create new forms due to the changes in the current SHN being issued, as well as the requirements for indicating transit locations, and we have simplified the forms as well. There are now two forms to complete, one is for students and a separate one is for parents/guardians/other household members.
The Student Form can be found at this LINK and it needs to be completed for every child you have at Chatsworth. If your child is not travelling, then you simply need to indicate as such and the form is complete. If they are travelling, you need to indicate the countries being travelled to as well as the countries you are transiting through, even if you do not disembark from the plane.
The Parent/Guardian/Household Member Form can be found at this LINK and it needs to be completed only if you are travelling alone, without your children. If you are not travelling on your own, then there is no need to complete this form. If you need to travel because you simply must do so, then you must enter your travel information on this form, including your transit information. Please note that this form should be completed for anyone in your household who will be travelling without the children (eg helper/maid).
NOTE: If plans change after the completion of the form, you can reopen the form and make edits to what has been submitted, so save the links.
In Summary: forms must be completed for every child even if they are not travelling (enter a ‘no’ response). Forms must be completed for parents only if they are travelling separately from their children.
We realise this can be tedious but the completion of these forms is required or the school may not be able to allow your child to return after the break until completed. This information is required to be reported to the Committee for Private Education (CPE) by the school.
We appreciate the normalcy that sending our children to school each day has given them during these confusing times. We hope that we will be able to continue to do so when we come back from the break on April 6th. That said, we have been ready for Home-Based Learning (HBL) for some time now and will be prepared to commence should the situation warrant it. As always, we take information and suggestions from the Singapore authorities but also as a response to the situation within our own school community. If things change with regards to coming back to school, we will inform parents via email and the SMS system.
Another important update regarding travel advisories and Stay-Home Notice (SHN) was released by the Singapore Ministry of Health (MOH) yesterday evening. With immediate effect, the Stay-Home Notice has been extended to all of South Korea, Iran and northern Italy (regions include: Aosta Valley, Piedmont, Liguria, Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Trentino-Alto Adige/Sudtirol). Continued SHN remains in effect for mainland China.
If you or your family have travelled to any of the countries/regions listed by MOH for Stay-Home Notice please contact the school immediately and your child must remain at home for a period of 14 days (with the first day returned to Singapore counting as Day 0). If you are still planning to travel to any affected areas for the coming March/April holiday, your child will need to remain at home for 14 days upon return, after the break. The school will provide letters to parents similar to the previous LOAs.
If you have not completed the school’s Travel Declaration Form, or if you need to update it due to travel changes, it is imperative that you do so. You can find the form HERE.
Important: Please note that completion of the Travel Declaration Form is mandatory for all families/students. Failure to complete the form may result in your child not being permitted to attend school until the form is completed. CPE requires all schools to submit the declaration and the school is responsible for ensuring all parents have completed the form.
Steps for completing the Travel Declaration Form:
- The Form must be completed for every child in the school. After completing the form for one child you will have an option to complete it again for another child.
- If your child will not be travelling then you still need to complete the form but you need to indicate NO when asked if they will travel.
- The Form must be completed for parents only if the parent will be travelling without the child(ren). Example - parent travels for a work trip.
- The Form only needs to be completed for each child/parent once unless your travel plans change and then the form must be completed again in order to be updated. If you have already completed the form and travel plans have not changed there is no need to complete the form again.
We are reviewing the recent travel declarations and will be contacting anyone who has indicated recent or coming travel to the newly affected regions. We will also be contacting all parents who have not completed the form.
Chatsworth continues to do all it can to ensure the health and safety of our school community. We appreciate, and count on, the continued support and attention our families give to the procedures put in place during this period. While we appreciate that not all families may agree with the travel declaration, it is a requirement from the local authorities and is only effective if everyone plays their part.
Parents can find information about the Stay-Home Notice on the MOH website HERE
While we have thankfully been seeing a downward trend in the number of cases of COVID-19 reported in Singapore we have, unfortunately, been seeing an upward trend in other countries reporting around the globe.
Singapore has extended its Stay-Home Notice (SHN) to include both Daegu city and Cheongdo county (Republic of Korea) with immediate effect. Thus, if you or your family have travelled to either of these locations in the past two weeks, your child will need to remain at home for a period of 14 days (with the first day returned to Singapore counting as Day 0). We are reviewing the recent travel declarations from our families and will be contacting anyone who has indicated travel plans to Korea before the end of the academic year. If you have not yet completed the travel declaration, required by CPE and our local authorities, please do so now at the link HERE. Remember that a ‘nil’ response is required if there are no current travel plans. If you have already completed this form then there is no need to do so again unless your travel plans change and need to be updated.
If you or your family have travelled to either Daegu or Cheongdo in the past 14 days, please let the school office (secondary or primary) know immediately. A letter for the Stay-Home Notice will be sent to you via email, along with the date your child is permitted to return to school.
Chatsworth continues to do all it can to ensure the health and safety of our school community. We appreciate, and count on, the continued support and attention our families give to the procedures put in place during this period.
International schools have been contacted this week by the Committee for Private Education (CPE) to continue to record, and report, travel declarations of everyone within our community up until the 31st July. The previous Leave of Absence (LOA) of 14 days for anyone visiting the China mainland has now been changed to a Stay at Home Notice (SHN).
This new SHN mandates that all Singapore residents who have travelled to mainland China, from the 18th of February, must remain at home for a period of 14 days (with the first day being Day 0). This is similar to the LOA with the exception that the individual must remain at home for the 14 day period and is not permitted to leave their residence. Under the previous LOA the individual was permitted to leave their home to purchase items/food but this is no longer allowed. CPE has informed the schools that failure to comply with SHN may be cause for prosecution under section S21A of the Infectious Diseases Act and could also lead to cancellation of immigration passes/permits by relevant authorities. More information about the SHN can be found on the Ministry of Health (MOH) website here.
Schools were previously asking for travel plans (as per our previous form for the recent long weekend) but with this new change, you will find a link to a new form HERE.. This form must be filled out by parents/guardians for every Chatsworth student and parent in the home, at the soonest possible.
Our Student Services has put together a number of great resources on managing feelings, fears and worries about COVID-19. We’ve also included a couple of mindfulness websites that are great to help kids find a bit of peace in these unsettling times.
The coronavirus (now officially named COVID-19) has been declared a public health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO) and uncertainty around this can bring about fear and worry with our students. It is important to remember our children are looking towards us for reassurance and cues on how to react and respond. Our Student Services shares five strategies to build resilience, and have reassuring conversations with kids.
Chatsworth is taking further actions to safeguard everyone’s health and safety, with immediate effect. All of these measures will be in effect until the 9th April unless confirmed otherwise.
- We are limiting interaction with the wider community both on and off-campus in order to reduce interaction/exposure between students, teachers, parents and those outside of our school grounds where possible.
- Parent Information Evenings and other parent sessions, such as CPG meetings, will be postponed until further notice.
- PTSCs that are scheduled for mid-March are cancelled in their current format. We are looking at alternatives to having parents on campus.
- Sports Days will be cancelled. Our PE Dept is looking at alternatives that could take place within the school (this would not include parent spectators).
- Public Events e.g. Admissions Open Houses will be cancelled.
- Chatsworth had already cancelled the end of the previous sporting season and will not be participating in Season 3 of ACSIS sporting events with other schools. Our staff will be looking at alternative sporting activities that can take place within the school community.
- In-school exhibitions or assemblies will be held amongst the student community, in reduced numbers, and will not include parent participation until further notice.
- Parents are still free to drop-off and pick-up their children daily but we ask that parents do not linger/remain on campus.
- We ask that parents continue to take their child’s temperature at home before sending them to school. Our school nurses are looking after the best interests of the entire community and thus have been sending home all students with fever or who are presenting cold and flu symptoms.
- While we already stagger lunches on both campuses, primary years will be further staggered. Children will still receive the same amount of playing and eating time.
- Visitors to the campuses will remain limited. All visitors already complete a Health Declaration Form and have their temperatures logged.
- The school has two professional development (PD) days for teachers next week, on the 13th and 14th February, which creates a long weekend for students. We ask that any family who will be travelling during this long weekend to please complete the linked Travel Declaration Form.
In light of the latest developments reporting the first local transmission within Singapore, Chatsworth has taken advice from local authorities and have made adjustments to our programmes and taken additional precautionary measures. These include the following:
- All whole school and large section assemblies (ie whole primary or whole secondary) will be cancelled from today. We will be keeping in view all of the coming events, such as Sports Day, theatre productions, etc. but it is anticipated that these may be cancelled in coming weeks.
- All field trips and excursions have already been cancelled.
- CCAs are in their final classes and will be allowed to finish as these groups are not large. Discussion regarding the coming CCA/ECA session is happening now and parents will be informed of any changes.
- Chatsworth is cancelling the remaining sports games for the current ACSIS season. Coaches and teams have been informed. While this is disappointing for our teams who are at the end of a wonderful season, it is in the best interests of the health of our school community.
- MOE and MOH have suggested schools to consider staggering their lunch breaks. Chatsworth already staggers break times. Our student numbers (class size as well as overall numbers) are considerably smaller than local schools and many of the other international schools so this is not an issue for us at the moment.
- The Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) has suggested additional temperature checks during the day for early years children. Starting today, all EY children will have an additional temperature check before lunchtime.
- Students who are unwell (exhibiting cold and flu symptoms) or who have a fever (37.5 and above) will be sent home to prevent the spread of any illness. This is current policy and is being enforced by the Nurses on both campuses. Please do not send your child to school if they are unwell.
The Singapore Ministry of Health (MOH), Ministry of Education (MOE), Economic Development Board (EDB and Committee for Private Education (CPE) have updated their advisories for local and foreign system schools (FSS) as of the 27th January 2020.
Chatsworth closely follows guidelines set by these local authorities and has thus taken their advice and implemented similar policies effective 28th January 2020 (our return from the Lunar New Year holiday).
All Chatsworth families will be informed of any updates via email and our SMS system as necessary. Information that is important for both our families and visitors to Chatsworth will be updated here on a regular basis.
As part of our regular school health policy for students, it is required that children who are unwell are kept at home and parents/guardians seek medical advice as necessary. If your child comes to school exhibiting signs of illness, such as (but not limited to) cough, fever, runny nose or difficulty breathing, they will be assessed by the School Nurse and parents will be informed.
28th January 2020
Due to the recent spread of the novel coronavirus (2019 nCoV), the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education has issued an advisory for all students who have been to China (excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) in the past fourteen (14) days or whose immediate family members (members who live with the child) have visited China in the past fourteen days to remain at home for a period of two weeks (14 days) from the date of their arrival back to Singapore. As an example, if a child returned to Singapore on the 28th January (Day 0) then they would be permitted to return to school on the 12th February (Day 15). Chatsworth will provide any student that is affected with a Leave of Absence (LOA). This will apply to all staff as well.
Any parent who is affected by this leave of absence is to register their name and contact details with the school. Information on this registration has been sent in previous emails.
All students and staff will have daily temperature checks when arriving at school. If a student (or staff member) has a fever above 37.5 degrees Celsius, they will be referred to the School Nurse who will conduct a further assessment of their health. If the temperature is confirmed, a mask will be applied to the students and parents will be informed to collect their child and seek medical advice from their family physician.
All visitors to the school will have their temperature checked before being permitted to enter the campus. If a visitor has a fever, he/she will be denied entry to the school.
All classrooms will be aired regularly and cleaning protocols will be increased, as per our Managing Infectious Diseases policy.
All Chatsworth service providers (ECAs, transport, canteen, etc) fall under the same Chatsworth requirements during this period.
Chatsworth continues to monitor the coronavirus situation and remains in contact with local authorities. If daily routines change due to updated situations, the community will be informed via the SMS system, email and telephone.
All scheduled events are under review and the community will be informed if there are changes or cancellations.
Chatsworth thanks our school community for their attention to our expectations during this period. Together, we can maintain a happy and healthy school environment for all of our students and staff.
**For additional information and the latest updates on the novel coronavirus (2019 nCoV) please see the Singapore Ministry of Health website at www.moh.gov.sg
Due to the recent spread of the novel coronavirus (2019 nCoV), the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education has issued an advisory for all students who have been to China (excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) in the past fourteen (14) days or whose immediate family members (members who live with the child) have visited China in the past fourteen days to remain at home for a period of two weeks (14 days) from the date of their arrival back to Singapore. As an example, if a child returned to Singapore on the 28th January (Day 0) then they would be permitted to return to school on the 12th February (Day 15). Chatsworth will provide any student that is affected with a Leave of Absence (LOA). This will apply to all staff as well. Any parent who is affected by this leave of absence is to register their name and contact details with the school. Information on this registration has been sent in previous emails. All students and staff will have daily temperature checks when arriving at school. If a student (or staff member) has a fever above 37.5 degrees Celsius, they will be referred to the School Nurse who will conduct a further assessment of their health. If the temperature is confirmed, a mask will be applied to the students and parents will be informed to collect their child and seek medical advice from their family physician. All visitors to the school will have their temperature checked before being permitted to enter the campus. If a visitor has a fever, he/she will be denied entry to the school. All classrooms will be aired regularly and cleaning protocols will be increased, as per our Managing Infectious Diseases policy. All Chatsworth service providers (ECAs, transport, canteen, etc) fall under the same Chatsworth requirements during this period. Chatsworth continues to monitor the coronavirus situation and remains in contact with local authorities. If daily routines change due to updated situations, the community will be informed via the SMS system, email and telephone. All scheduled events are under review and the community will be informed if there are changes or cancellations. Chatsworth thanks our school community for their attention to our expectations during this period. Together, we can maintain a happy and healthy school environment for all of our students and staff. **For additional information and the latest updates on the novel coronavirus (2019 nCoV) please see the Singapore Ministry of Health website at www.moh.gov.sg
Given the evolving Covid-19 situation, updates regarding the school response to all changes as it becomes available through the regulatory bodies will be sent to parents.
You may visit MOH website for the latest update on the Covid-19 location situation.
Our two week holiday commences at the end of this week and the timing is right for us all to take a break. During this coming holiday, we ask that you check your email daily. Two weeks can be a long time where things are changing almost daily and we will send information out to our community as needed. We also ask that you follow the MOH website, MOE website, and other government news to keep up-to-date on what is happening in Singapore.
Local authorities have strongly asked that you do not travel during this period. Given the number of countries now on Stay-Home Notices (SHN), it is unlikely that many people will be travelling, but there may be some who have emergency travel that is necessary. Previously, we had asked parents to complete forms for Travel Declaration and I am afraid we need to ask you to do this, once again. We’ve had to create new forms due to the changes in the current SHN being issued, as well as the requirements for indicating transit locations, and we have simplified the forms as well. There are now two forms to complete, one is for students and a separate one is for parents/guardians/other household members.
The Student Form can be found at this LINK and it needs to be completed for every child you have at Chatsworth. If your child is not travelling, then you simply need to indicate as such and the form is complete. If they are travelling, you need to indicate the countries being travelled to as well as the countries you are transiting through, even if you do not disembark from the plane.
The Parent/Guardian/Household Member Form can be found at this LINK and it needs to be completed only if you are travelling alone, without your children. If you are not travelling on your own, then there is no need to complete this form. If you need to travel because you simply must do so, then you must enter your travel information on this form, including your transit information. Please note that this form should be completed for anyone in your household who will be travelling without the children (eg helper/maid).
NOTE: If plans change after the completion of the form, you can reopen the form and make edits to what has been submitted, so save the links.
In Summary: forms must be completed for every child even if they are not travelling (enter a ‘no’ response). Forms must be completed for parents only if they are travelling separately from their children.
We realise this can be tedious but the completion of these forms is required or the school may not be able to allow your child to return after the break until completed. This information is required to be reported to the Committee for Private Education (CPE) by the school.
We appreciate the normalcy that sending our children to school each day has given them during these confusing times. We hope that we will be able to continue to do so when we come back from the break on April 6th. That said, we have been ready for Home-Based Learning (HBL) for some time now and will be prepared to commence should the situation warrant it. As always, we take information and suggestions from the Singapore authorities but also as a response to the situation within our own school community. If things change with regards to coming back to school, we will inform parents via email and the SMS system.
Another important update regarding travel advisories and Stay-Home Notice (SHN) was released by the Singapore Ministry of Health (MOH) yesterday evening. With immediate effect, the Stay-Home Notice has been extended to all of South Korea, Iran and northern Italy (regions include: Aosta Valley, Piedmont, Liguria, Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Trentino-Alto Adige/Sudtirol). Continued SHN remains in effect for mainland China.
If you or your family have travelled to any of the countries/regions listed by MOH for Stay-Home Notice please contact the school immediately and your child must remain at home for a period of 14 days (with the first day returned to Singapore counting as Day 0). If you are still planning to travel to any affected areas for the coming March/April holiday, your child will need to remain at home for 14 days upon return, after the break. The school will provide letters to parents similar to the previous LOAs.
If you have not completed the school’s Travel Declaration Form, or if you need to update it due to travel changes, it is imperative that you do so. You can find the form HERE.
Important: Please note that completion of the Travel Declaration Form is mandatory for all families/students. Failure to complete the form may result in your child not being permitted to attend school until the form is completed. CPE requires all schools to submit the declaration and the school is responsible for ensuring all parents have completed the form.
Steps for completing the Travel Declaration Form:
- The Form must be completed for every child in the school. After completing the form for one child you will have an option to complete it again for another child.
- If your child will not be travelling then you still need to complete the form but you need to indicate NO when asked if they will travel.
- The Form must be completed for parents only if the parent will be travelling without the child(ren). Example - parent travels for a work trip.
- The Form only needs to be completed for each child/parent once unless your travel plans change and then the form must be completed again in order to be updated. If you have already completed the form and travel plans have not changed there is no need to complete the form again.
We are reviewing the recent travel declarations and will be contacting anyone who has indicated recent or coming travel to the newly affected regions. We will also be contacting all parents who have not completed the form.
Chatsworth continues to do all it can to ensure the health and safety of our school community. We appreciate, and count on, the continued support and attention our families give to the procedures put in place during this period. While we appreciate that not all families may agree with the travel declaration, it is a requirement from the local authorities and is only effective if everyone plays their part.
Parents can find information about the Stay-Home Notice on the MOH website HERE
While we have thankfully been seeing a downward trend in the number of cases of COVID-19 reported in Singapore we have, unfortunately, been seeing an upward trend in other countries reporting around the globe.
Singapore has extended its Stay-Home Notice (SHN) to include both Daegu city and Cheongdo county (Republic of Korea) with immediate effect. Thus, if you or your family have travelled to either of these locations in the past two weeks, your child will need to remain at home for a period of 14 days (with the first day returned to Singapore counting as Day 0). We are reviewing the recent travel declarations from our families and will be contacting anyone who has indicated travel plans to Korea before the end of the academic year. If you have not yet completed the travel declaration, required by CPE and our local authorities, please do so now at the link HERE. Remember that a ‘nil’ response is required if there are no current travel plans. If you have already completed this form then there is no need to do so again unless your travel plans change and need to be updated.
If you or your family have travelled to either Daegu or Cheongdo in the past 14 days, please let the school office (secondary or primary) know immediately. A letter for the Stay-Home Notice will be sent to you via email, along with the date your child is permitted to return to school.
Chatsworth continues to do all it can to ensure the health and safety of our school community. We appreciate, and count on, the continued support and attention our families give to the procedures put in place during this period.
International schools have been contacted this week by the Committee for Private Education (CPE) to continue to record, and report, travel declarations of everyone within our community up until the 31st July. The previous Leave of Absence (LOA) of 14 days for anyone visiting the China mainland has now been changed to a Stay at Home Notice (SHN).
This new SHN mandates that all Singapore residents who have travelled to mainland China, from the 18th of February, must remain at home for a period of 14 days (with the first day being Day 0). This is similar to the LOA with the exception that the individual must remain at home for the 14 day period and is not permitted to leave their residence. Under the previous LOA the individual was permitted to leave their home to purchase items/food but this is no longer allowed. CPE has informed the schools that failure to comply with SHN may be cause for prosecution under section S21A of the Infectious Diseases Act and could also lead to cancellation of immigration passes/permits by relevant authorities. More information about the SHN can be found on the Ministry of Health (MOH) website here.
Schools were previously asking for travel plans (as per our previous form for the recent long weekend) but with this new change, you will find a link to a new form HERE.. This form must be filled out by parents/guardians for every Chatsworth student and parent in the home, at the soonest possible.
Our Student Services has put together a number of great resources on managing feelings, fears and worries about COVID-19. We’ve also included a couple of mindfulness websites that are great to help kids find a bit of peace in these unsettling times.
The coronavirus (now officially named COVID-19) has been declared a public health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO) and uncertainty around this can bring about fear and worry with our students. It is important to remember our children are looking towards us for reassurance and cues on how to react and respond. Our Student Services shares five strategies to build resilience, and have reassuring conversations with kids.
Chatsworth is taking further actions to safeguard everyone’s health and safety, with immediate effect. All of these measures will be in effect until the 9th April unless confirmed otherwise.
- We are limiting interaction with the wider community both on and off-campus in order to reduce interaction/exposure between students, teachers, parents and those outside of our school grounds where possible.
- Parent Information Evenings and other parent sessions, such as CPG meetings, will be postponed until further notice.
- PTSCs that are scheduled for mid-March are cancelled in their current format. We are looking at alternatives to having parents on campus.
- Sports Days will be cancelled. Our PE Dept is looking at alternatives that could take place within the school (this would not include parent spectators).
- Public Events e.g. Admissions Open Houses will be cancelled.
- Chatsworth had already cancelled the end of the previous sporting season and will not be participating in Season 3 of ACSIS sporting events with other schools. Our staff will be looking at alternative sporting activities that can take place within the school community.
- In-school exhibitions or assemblies will be held amongst the student community, in reduced numbers, and will not include parent participation until further notice.
- Parents are still free to drop-off and pick-up their children daily but we ask that parents do not linger/remain on campus.
- We ask that parents continue to take their child’s temperature at home before sending them to school. Our school nurses are looking after the best interests of the entire community and thus have been sending home all students with fever or who are presenting cold and flu symptoms.
- While we already stagger lunches on both campuses, primary years will be further staggered. Children will still receive the same amount of playing and eating time.
- Visitors to the campuses will remain limited. All visitors already complete a Health Declaration Form and have their temperatures logged.
- The school has two professional development (PD) days for teachers next week, on the 13th and 14th February, which creates a long weekend for students. We ask that any family who will be travelling during this long weekend to please complete the linked Travel Declaration Form.
In light of the latest developments reporting the first local transmission within Singapore, Chatsworth has taken advice from local authorities and have made adjustments to our programmes and taken additional precautionary measures. These include the following:
- All whole school and large section assemblies (ie whole primary or whole secondary) will be cancelled from today. We will be keeping in view all of the coming events, such as Sports Day, theatre productions, etc. but it is anticipated that these may be cancelled in coming weeks.
- All field trips and excursions have already been cancelled.
- CCAs are in their final classes and will be allowed to finish as these groups are not large. Discussion regarding the coming CCA/ECA session is happening now and parents will be informed of any changes.
- Chatsworth is cancelling the remaining sports games for the current ACSIS season. Coaches and teams have been informed. While this is disappointing for our teams who are at the end of a wonderful season, it is in the best interests of the health of our school community.
- MOE and MOH have suggested schools to consider staggering their lunch breaks. Chatsworth already staggers break times. Our student numbers (class size as well as overall numbers) are considerably smaller than local schools and many of the other international schools so this is not an issue for us at the moment.
- The Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) has suggested additional temperature checks during the day for early years children. Starting today, all EY children will have an additional temperature check before lunchtime.
- Students who are unwell (exhibiting cold and flu symptoms) or who have a fever (37.5 and above) will be sent home to prevent the spread of any illness. This is current policy and is being enforced by the Nurses on both campuses. Please do not send your child to school if they are unwell.
The Singapore Ministry of Health (MOH), Ministry of Education (MOE), Economic Development Board (EDB and Committee for Private Education (CPE) have updated their advisories for local and foreign system schools (FSS) as of the 27th January 2020.
Chatsworth closely follows guidelines set by these local authorities and has thus taken their advice and implemented similar policies effective 28th January 2020 (our return from the Lunar New Year holiday).
All Chatsworth families will be informed of any updates via email and our SMS system as necessary. Information that is important for both our families and visitors to Chatsworth will be updated here on a regular basis.
As part of our regular school health policy for students, it is required that children who are unwell are kept at home and parents/guardians seek medical advice as necessary. If your child comes to school exhibiting signs of illness, such as (but not limited to) cough, fever, runny nose or difficulty breathing, they will be assessed by the School Nurse and parents will be informed.
28th January 2020
Due to the recent spread of the novel coronavirus (2019 nCoV), the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education has issued an advisory for all students who have been to China (excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) in the past fourteen (14) days or whose immediate family members (members who live with the child) have visited China in the past fourteen days to remain at home for a period of two weeks (14 days) from the date of their arrival back to Singapore. As an example, if a child returned to Singapore on the 28th January (Day 0) then they would be permitted to return to school on the 12th February (Day 15). Chatsworth will provide any student that is affected with a Leave of Absence (LOA). This will apply to all staff as well.
Any parent who is affected by this leave of absence is to register their name and contact details with the school. Information on this registration has been sent in previous emails.
All students and staff will have daily temperature checks when arriving at school. If a student (or staff member) has a fever above 37.5 degrees Celsius, they will be referred to the School Nurse who will conduct a further assessment of their health. If the temperature is confirmed, a mask will be applied to the students and parents will be informed to collect their child and seek medical advice from their family physician.
All visitors to the school will have their temperature checked before being permitted to enter the campus. If a visitor has a fever, he/she will be denied entry to the school.
All classrooms will be aired regularly and cleaning protocols will be increased, as per our Managing Infectious Diseases policy.
All Chatsworth service providers (ECAs, transport, canteen, etc) fall under the same Chatsworth requirements during this period.
Chatsworth continues to monitor the coronavirus situation and remains in contact with local authorities. If daily routines change due to updated situations, the community will be informed via the SMS system, email and telephone.
All scheduled events are under review and the community will be informed if there are changes or cancellations.
Chatsworth thanks our school community for their attention to our expectations during this period. Together, we can maintain a happy and healthy school environment for all of our students and staff.
**For additional information and the latest updates on the novel coronavirus (2019 nCoV) please see the Singapore Ministry of Health website at www.moh.gov.sg
Due to the recent spread of the novel coronavirus (2019 nCoV), the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education has issued an advisory for all students who have been to China (excluding Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) in the past fourteen (14) days or whose immediate family members (members who live with the child) have visited China in the past fourteen days to remain at home for a period of two weeks (14 days) from the date of their arrival back to Singapore. As an example, if a child returned to Singapore on the 28th January (Day 0) then they would be permitted to return to school on the 12th February (Day 15). Chatsworth will provide any student that is affected with a Leave of Absence (LOA). This will apply to all staff as well. Any parent who is affected by this leave of absence is to register their name and contact details with the school. Information on this registration has been sent in previous emails. All students and staff will have daily temperature checks when arriving at school. If a student (or staff member) has a fever above 37.5 degrees Celsius, they will be referred to the School Nurse who will conduct a further assessment of their health. If the temperature is confirmed, a mask will be applied to the students and parents will be informed to collect their child and seek medical advice from their family physician. All visitors to the school will have their temperature checked before being permitted to enter the campus. If a visitor has a fever, he/she will be denied entry to the school. All classrooms will be aired regularly and cleaning protocols will be increased, as per our Managing Infectious Diseases policy. All Chatsworth service providers (ECAs, transport, canteen, etc) fall under the same Chatsworth requirements during this period. Chatsworth continues to monitor the coronavirus situation and remains in contact with local authorities. If daily routines change due to updated situations, the community will be informed via the SMS system, email and telephone. All scheduled events are under review and the community will be informed if there are changes or cancellations. Chatsworth thanks our school community for their attention to our expectations during this period. Together, we can maintain a happy and healthy school environment for all of our students and staff. **For additional information and the latest updates on the novel coronavirus (2019 nCoV) please see the Singapore Ministry of Health website at www.moh.gov.sg