Open House November 2024

House System and Student Leadership

Our House system, which incorporates different aspects of school life, helps promote our school spirit and ethos

In our welcoming and nurturing school environment, we ensure that new students are assigned a buddy on their first school day to help them feel at home. The buddy is a fellow student from the same homeroom who acts as a guide and support to the new student over the first few days at school. We are here to help students assimilate into the Chatsworth community as quickly as they can.

From academics to character development to cultivation of compassionate spirit, Chatsworth students will find there are abundant opportunities that they can seize to grow and become the best of whatever they do.

House System

Our school spirit and friendly atmosphere are essential to our students and their learning. They are some of our defining attributes and are actively encouraged by our community. To ensure we nurture our school identity, one of our essential goals is to actively promote our school spirit and ethos to enhance student learning.

Within Chatsworth, all students and staff are divided into three Houses: Changi, Sentosa and Raffles. Each student who joins Chatsworth will be assigned to a House, with siblings assigned to the same one. Houses are populated vertically throughout the school so each house will have primary, lower secondary and upper secondary students. The house system, embedded into different aspects of school life, is used to inspire students to work towards personal goals, work together in teams, and promote school citizenship. Merit points are issued to children for good work, sporting achievement, modelling the learner profile attributes, and exemplary citizenship.

Student Leadership

The Student Council provides a voice for the student body at Chatsworth and aims to improve and enrich daily life on campus. Each homeroom in Secondary and each Year 6 homeroom elects a representative. The Student Council meets to discuss matters of interest and concern to the students and puts forward ideas for improvements. A sample of the variety of events arranged by the Student Council includes events like the welcome back barbecue, movie nights and fundraising activities.

Being a representative on the Student Council makes an important statement about the student’s leadership qualities and contribution to the school community. It is always of benefit to be able to include such evidence in a reference or letter of recommendation. Students are elected to Student Council executive positions by the student body. Voting takes place at the end of the second semester for the upcoming school year.