Open House November 2024
Chatsworth primary students took part in the 'Sing and Dance Off' competition


Chatsworth is a non-selective international school and we welcome students of all nationalities, ages 3 to 18


Chatsworth operates on a semester calendar with approximately 180 school days each year. First semester runs from mid-August through mid-December while the second semester runs from January to mid-June.

Applications for admissions are open throughout the year. Admissions to the school are subject to approval and space availability within the requested particular year level.

Entry Requirements

  • Copies of previous school records must be provided - officially translated if they are in a language other than English.
  • Upon entry to the school, all students must be a Singapore permanent resident or in possession of a valid student or dependant pass.
  • Singapore citizens, including those who hold dual nationality, may enrol at the Kindergarten Level but may not enrol from the year in which they are 6 turning 7 years old, without written permission from Singapore Ministry of Education.
  • Students with special needs:
  • Prior to formal application, the school must be informed of any academic, physical or behavioural issues and all relevant documentation must be provided. Where necessary, further documentation or testing may be required. Failure to inform the school of any relevant issues may jeopardise the enrolment or continued enrolment of the student.
  • Where a student with special needs is enrolled in the school, subsequent ongoing placement will be based upon the student's ability to continue to function independently within our regular programme and without adversely affecting the learning or well being of other children.
  • Sometimes a provisional or, in the case of behavioural issues, a probationary placement may be offered. In such cases, the student may be required to leave the school if this is considered to be in the best interests of that student or of the student community as a whole.

Age Requirements

Incoming students will be placed in year levels based upon their age and previous educational level. Any exception will be on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the Head of Primary or the Head of Secondary.

You may apply to enroll your child into the following year levels by age. Please note that the school adheres strictly to the policy of enrolment by age.

Age as of Sep 1st of the Year of EntryYear Level
3 yearsIBPYP Kindergarten 1
4 yearsIBPYP Kindergarten 2
5 yearsIBPYP Year 1
6 yearsIBPYP Year 2
7 yearsIBPYP Year 3
8 yearsIBPYP Year 4
9 yearsIBPYP Year 5
10 yearsIBPYP Year 6

Generally, the placement for secondary level is as below. However, the school reserves the right to offer and place your child at the appropriate year level based on a review of their previous educational level. For more information on secondary placement, contact Admissions.

Age as of Sep 1st of the Year of EntryYear Level
11 yearsIBMYP Year 7
12 yearsIBMYP Year 8
13 yearsIBMYP Year 9
14 yearsIBMYP Year 10
15 yearsIBMYP Year 11
16 yearsIBDP Year 12
17 yearsIBDP Year 13

For details on our entry and graduation requirements and modules offered, click here.

Continuation and Withdrawal

Ongoing enrolment at Chatsworth is dependent upon the student meeting our age-appropriate academic and behavioural expectations.

For New Academic Year

The School will issue a re-enrolment link via OpenApply in February every year for parents to update the school on the status of their child or children's enrolment the next academic year. The school will need to know the student's status by the end of February.

Between Semester 1 and Semester 2

The school will issue a re-enrolment link via OpenApply in September every year for parents to update the school on the status of their child or children's enrolment for Semester 2. The school will need to know the student’s status by the end of September.

The school will reply within four weeks of the date of receipt of the withdrawal notice.

Visit Us at our Open House

During our scheduled open house, you will have the opportunity to meet our senior academic leadership team, teachers, students and supportive parents and find out more about our curriculum and school values. Observe our community in action, tour the campus and discover if Chatsworth is an ideal school for your child.

Stay tuned for our next open house!

We are excited for you and your family to experience the enthusiasm and vibrancy of the Chatsworth community

Chatsworth has appointed student recruitment agents to assist parents with the necessary information regarding the admissions procedure and applications to our school. The agents are appointed and reviewed annually and monitored on an on-going basis. A list of the agents currently appointed by Chatsworth can be viewed here.
