Community Voices
A strong community, founded on a culture of respect and positive engagement, is a core element of Chatsworth’s identity

Class of 2012
Craig Glennerster

Craig Glennerster
Class of 2012
1. How many years did you attend Chatsworth?
I attended Chatsworth for 5 years graduating in 2012.
2. What have you been up to since you graduated from Chatsworth?
After graduating I returned to England for a Mechanical Engineering Apprenticeship working and attending College with John Crane who specialise in systems and solutions for the oil and gas industry. After my three year Apprenticeship I was offered the opportunity to manage the departments I had worked within for those three years. Currently I am the Gas Seals Assembly and Test production Manager in Slough, responsible for the on time production of John Cranes Gas Seal range developing the area and my team to be the center of excellence for Gas Seals.
3. Can you share some favourite memories at Chatsworth?
Travelling to Vietnam to visit the Blue Dragon charity, the early morning TOK presentations, playing football and helping to start the Rugby team (only played two games but it was a start!). I have a lot of very good memories, certainly too many for this word count but every memory was shared with the lasting friendships I made in Chatsworth!
4. Was there anyone in our community who played an important role in your time at Chatsworth?
All of my teachers put in 110% even though I may not have some days, they brought the best out in me and they changed the way I approached schooling. The three that stand out for me are Mr West, Mr Smith and Mrs Saha. I’m incredibly thankful for their effort and am glad to have been taught by them.
5. Which aspect of your Chatsworth education helped prepare you the most for life, personally or professionally beyond high school?
Whether it’s personal relationships or professional aptitude, both are developed through the IB program, especially TOK (Theory of Knowledge) which has given me the tools I need to tackle the majority of situations on a daily basis.
6. What advice would you give to graduating students?
Every day is a school day. Take every situation as a learning opportunity, so don’t get hung up on a bad meeting or a bad interview learn from it and work hard for what you want in life but don’t forget to dedicate time to personal growth and relationships outside of work.

Year 7 student
Arlo Scott

Arlo Scott
Year 7 student
1. How long have you been studying at Chatsworth and where are you from?
I started studying at Chatsworth when I was about 5 years old. I started in year 1, my teacher was Ms. Debbie and I have been going to this school for 7 years. I am mixed race, I am from Singapore and New Zealand. My father is from New Zealand and my mother is from Singapore.
2. What is your favourite subject, and why?
My favourite subject is P.H.E because I am more of a sporty person and I enjoy the units which we have. Our current unit is team games which will help us work together with other people.
3. What are the one or two things you like about Chatsworth?
I like how welcoming it is and how all the teachers care for the students. I also like how all the students are supporting each other in their own ways.
4. What do you do for fun outside of school?
I mostly play football/play FIFA on a PS4 or just hang out with family.
5. Which renowned person, whether current or history would you like to meet in person, and why?
Probably Freddie Mercury (Singer from QUEEN) I would like to meet him because of how individual he was and passionate about what he did, which was singing. He also didn’t care about what people said about him which helped him become one of the most known singers ever.

DP Coordinator and Secondary Teacher
Iain Hudson

Iain Hudson
DP Coordinator and Secondary Teacher
1. How long have you been at Chatsworth and what is your role?
I have been at Chatsworth for ten years. I fulfil different roles - DP Coordinator, University Advisor and I teach DP English Language and Literature.
2. What do you love about the school?
I really think that the school's size is a major reason I enjoy working here. The fact that we are not enormous means that one has a chance to get to know the students and one's colleagues.
3. Where are you from originally and why did you choose to come work at Chatsworth?
I was born in what is now Zimbabwe but really grew up in South Africa. I worked in Oman, in the Middle East, before moving to the Philippines and then Singapore. I was attracted to Chatsworth because it is a similar size school to where I was working in Cebu and it looked like a really positive place to work.
4. What hobbies or interests do you have outside of school?
I enjoy photography and reading. Singapore is a great place to be for classical music and I try to listen to the orchestra a couple of times a year. I hope to get back into diving now that we can start to travel again.
5. What would you say to a prospective student/parent as to why they should choose Chatsworth?
Chatsworth has a strong academic programme and teachers committed to helping students do their best. This is a school where the teachers know their students and go the extra mile to help them achieve personal success.

Class of 2012
Kirsten Coventry

Kirsten Coventry
Class of 2012
1. How many years did you attend Chatsworth?
Pretty much all of them! I was there from year 1 through to graduation.
2. What have you been up to since you graduated from Chatsworth?
I moved to Australia after graduating to study Marketing & Web Media at Curtin University, and then moved to London to pursue work in big tech after graduating. I am currently at Google as a Digital Marketing Programme Manager, and I am accountable for the successful management and delivery of the key digital marketing initiatives in region at scale. My key priority is developing a best in class digital shopping experience that drives conversion.
3. Can you share some favourite memories at Chatsworth?
There are so many because I was there from year one through to graduation. What stands out most are actually lots of little moments. From painting friends in year three, to excursions kayaking at pulau ubin - running around at lunch in an imaginary zoo to learning French while watching Jeux D'enfants. What links all these memories are the wonderful friends I made and the great community I found while there.
4. Was there anyone in our community who played an important role in your time at Chatsworth?
There are so many community members that stand out when I look back over my years at Chatsworth, but two that stand out were Mr. Leah for his incredible energy, support, and endless enthusiasm, and Mr. Smith for putting me on the path to business.
5. Which aspect of your Chatsworth education helped prepare you the most for life, personally or professionally beyond high school?
The IB programme offered a really holistic learning experience for me. I credit my comfort with public speaking and a lot of soft skills to doing Drama at IB - enabling me to explore my individual creative expression, whilst also improving my self-expression. The Theory of Knowledge played a really special role in my educational experience, as it enabled me to reflect on the nature of knowledge, and on how we know what we claim to know - the learnings of which I still carry and reflect on today.
6. What advice would you give to graduating students?
LinkedIn is a powerful tool to engage with agencies and employers. Make sure you have a great profile, and reach out to industry leaders for mentorship, and recruiters for opportunities. Also, embrace learning, it is a lifelong process and there are always great opportunities to learn something new.

Parent of 2 Chatsworth students
Samantha Redfern

Samantha Redfern
Parent of 2 Chatsworth students
1. Where are you from and can you tell us a little more about your family?
We are originally from England and this was our first move overseas. We thought we'd be here for 2 maximum 3 years but we have been here for 6 and we are now PR. My youngest son (joining his siblings at Chatsworth after the summer) was born here. Singapore is a fantastic place to raise young children. We are a family of 5 plus our helper and our many pets. We live a pretty laid back lifestyle when we aren't busy working (My husband is in the finance sector and I run my own business as an artist).
2. Why did you choose Chatsworth for your child(ren)?
We were a little frustrated with the lack of outside space at the kids’ previous school, however, we loved that it was a small school with a nice community feel. Chatsworth seemed to offer both of these things. It is a little bit further from our home than their last school but they have settled in so well and made great friends so it's really not a big issue.
3. What do your child(ren) enjoy most about learning at Chatsworth?
They enjoy the diversity of the lessons and subjects. Being a bigger campus there is more opportunity for them to try a wider variety of activities. The school also enables them to express themselves creatively and get more involved with sport. My daughter gets homework but not an overwhelming/ consuming amount, which was an important factor for us when choosing a school.
4. Do you participate in school and/or non-school activities with other Chatsworth parents? If so, can you share with us about some of the things you’ve enjoyed?
Covid has definitely impacted how much we have been able to be involved with the school. I'm looking forward to being much more involved after the summer. Especially as my 5 year old will be there too. I'm looking forward to meeting him at pick up.
5. What would you say to another parent thinking about coming to Chatsworth?
I would say talk to the children. We did when we came for our tour and they were all beaming telling us how much they loved it there. I always think that's a great indication of what a school is really like. At the end of the day my kids are super happy there and it was definitely the right decision.

Year 10 student
Wildaan Bin Mohd Azwan

Wildaan Bin Mohd Azwan
Year 10 student
1. How long have you been studying at Chatsworth and where are you from?
I’m from Malaysia, and have been studying at Chatsworth for almost 2 years now.
2. What is your favourite subject, and why?
Probably English or Music - I feel like I can express myself most creatively in those classes.
3. You and your team have recently won the Most Creative Presentation (Year 10) award in the Living Lit exhibition held during Book Week. Can you share more about it?
We made a clay diorama of the monster Cthulhu from the book “Call of Cthulhu” by H.P Lovecraft submerged in resin. I first proposed the idea, but without Aiden and Josh steering the project creatively in the right direction, it definitely would not be what it is today.
4. What are the one or two things you like about Chatsworth?
I definitely like the overall community that the school has. I’m currently in both the book club and the basketball team. Liking reading and sports, being in these CCA’s allow me to engage with both interests.
5. What do you do for fun outside of school?
Anything really: making music, sports, video games, reading - whichever fits my mood.
6. Which renowned person, whether current or history would you like to meet in person, and why?
Probably the Queen, just to see what she’s like.

Primary Teacher
Daniela Entressangle

Daniela Entressangle
Primary Teacher
1. How long have you been at Chatsworth and what is your role?
I have been at Chatsworth since 2018. I taught Year 2 at the Orchard Campus and this is my second year teaching Year 1 at the BT campus.
2. What do you love about the school?I love so many things about Chatsworth. Firstly, the location of the BT campus is beautiful. I love walking into the campus each morning and being surrounded by nature. It is such a peaceful environment. I love working with such supportive inspirational colleagues that truly value collaboration and teamwork. And of course, I love the students at Chatsworth. We grow, learn and laugh together.
3. Where are you from originally and why did you choose to come work at Chatsworth?
I am originally from Johannesburg, South Africa. My husband and I decided to venture abroad and were both drawn to Singapore. I chose Chatsworth because I appreciate the community values of the school.
4. What hobbies or interests do you have outside of school?
I love exercising, being in nature, travelling, reading and spending time with my family and friends.
5. What would you say to a prospective student/parent as to why they should choose Chatsworth?
If you are looking for quality IB education where students are cared for and supported, in a community focused environment then Chatsworth International is the right fit for you and your family!

Class of 2009
Yasushi Tokunaga

Yasushi Tokunaga
Class of 2009
1. How many years did you attend Chatsworth?
I’ve been in Chatsworth from Year 6 to 13, so in total 8 years.
2. What did you do after graduating from Chatsworth?
After graduating, I moved to London, enrolled into LSE and graduated after 3 years with a BSc in Actuarial Science. Since then, I’ve been working in London, working in various banks and even in the Bank of England.
3. Where are you based now and what is your occupation?
I’m based in London at the moment, working in finance as a capital strategist.
4. Can you share some favourite memories at Chatsworth?
I would say studying with my friends together, working on TOK and CAS together for IB and sharing ideas in Chatsworth have been fun. What I can say is that knowing friends from different backgrounds and countries in Chatsworth, pursuing different fields from me, helped me become a well-rounded person.
5. Do you feel your experiences and education at Chatsworth prepared you for life beyond high school?
Yea it did, pursuing IB in Chatsworth and debating ideas with teachers and friends have prepared me well to think critically on issues making the headlines. My time in Chatsworth has also helped me understand different cultures to be able to work and be friends with people from all over the world either in University or at work. Thanks to the teachers I had in Chatsworth, they have always pushed me to my potential in my studies and ensured that I got the grades I needed for University.
6. Given your achievements and experiences, what advice would you give to the graduating students?
Dream big, aim high and plan ahead! Be ambitious! Back then, I'd never have thought of going to University abroad if it were not for my teachers that I had in Chatsworth who saw my potential.

Parent of 3 Chatsworth students
Azzah Atique

Azzah Atique
Parent of 3 Chatsworth students
1. Where are you from and can you tell us a little more about your family?
We are from Pakistan, but have been in Singapore for the last 14 years, so Singapore is a second home to us now. We have three children, all going to Chatsworth for the last few years. Hana, The youngest one is in Primary and the older two, Zara and Rafae, are in Secondary.
2. Why did you choose Chatsworth for your child(ren)?
Honestly, when we enrolled our children in Chatsworth, our preference was a school closer to home. But now, even when the school has moved to Bukit Timah, we want to keep our children in Chatsworth because we love the system, the friendly environment and teachers who are very approachable at any time.
3. What do your child(ren) enjoy most about learning at Chatsworth?
Our children love the diversity of culture and freedom of expression the most. There is mutual respect for peers and friends. Everyone has a say and conflicts are managed maturely. They are growing to be more aware of their true personalities and choices.
4. Do you participate in school and/or non-school activities with other Chatsworth parents? If so, can you share with us about some of the things you’ve enjoyed?
Yes I do participate in many activities inside school as well as outside. I was honoured to be selected for TEDxChatsworth last year and was given a platform to speak and share my ideas. I have been an active participant in UN day celebrations as well as many class presentations. Outside of school we are regularly meeting the parents and families of Chatsworth that help children to build strong friendships.
5. What would you say to another parent thinking about coming to Chatsworth?
I would like to recommend the school to anyone who wants to have a small and friendly environment for their children. A place that they feel is more like a family, where teachers are approachable and school staff is very friendly. Also I must add that Chatsworth has worked really hard academically, and has recently emerged as one of the strong IB schools in Singapore. Their commitment to good IB scores is another incentive for many to choose Chatsworth International as their preferred school.
6. Is there anything else you’d like us to know?
We strongly believe that schools are the academies where children are nurtured and build their permanent personalities. If the foundation is strong, the added values are always groomed. We feel happy about making our decision to put our children in Chatsworth.

Year 13 student
Bianca Cecamore

Bianca Cecamore
Year 13 student
1. How long have you been studying at Chatsworth and where are you from?
I’ve been at Chatsworth for almost 3 years and I’m originally from Rome, Italy.
2. What is your favourite subject, and why?
My favourite subjects are chemistry and biology. Although they can be really challenging, I enjoy learning about how the world around us works at a microscopic level.
3. What are the one or two things you like about Chatsworth?
I like the sense of community that we have here. I also appreciate the care teachers show in our learning and the fact that they are always happy to help us.
4. What do you do for fun outside of school?
Outside of school my idea of fun is hanging out with friends, cooking, reading books, and watching Netflix.
5. What are your plans after graduating from Chatsworth?
After I graduate I’m planning to go to the UK or the Netherlands to study Biomedical Sciences.
6. Which renowned person, whether current or history would you like to meet in person, and why?
I would like to meet Marie Curie as she was an exceptional woman with significant achievements who I think is a great inspiration for me.

Assistant Head of Secondary
Daniel Costich

Daniel Costich
Assistant Head of Secondary
1. How long have you been at Chatsworth and what is your role?
Nearly 12 years, and I've been Assistant Head of Secondary since 2014.
2. What do you love about the school?
The diversity: being part of a community where everyone comes from a different background yet through communication, respect and tolerance we all learn to get along. Also being surrounded by nature in such a peaceful environment.
3. Where are you from originally and why did you choose to come work at Chatsworth?
I grew up in the northern English town of Preston. My parents came from different continents and had met when they were teachers in Ethiopia before they settled in England, so I think I get my sense of internationalism from them. I lived in China for several years and got married there, and Singapore ended up being the perfect place for us to live with its fusion of Chinese and British cultures.
4. What hobbies or interests do you have outside of school?
Hiking, especially discovering new trails off the beaten track. Coding, when I have a fun project to work on or a competition to take part in. Learning new things -- I've set myself a year-long task of doing a DIY renovation of my kitchen.
5. What would you say to a prospective student/parent as to why they should choose Chatsworth?
As the Chatsworth vision says, "we value each individual and empower them to find their purpose in the world." If you're looking for a school where you can be accepted and respected for who you are, and given the opportunities to develop in your own way, then choose Chatsworth.

Class of 2013
Walden Putterman

Walden Putterman
Class of 2013
1. How many years did you attend Chatsworth?
I attended Chatsworth for 11 years, from 2002-2013.
2. What have you been up to since you graduated from Chatsworth?
After graduating I moved to Vancouver where I studied philosophy at the University of British Columbia. I then came to Chicago, where I currently live, and got a job working for a nonprofit that provides after-school programming to students residing in the city’s homeless shelters. I’m now pursuing work in grant writing and community development.
3. Can you share some favourite memories at Chatsworth?
I have a ton of amazing memories from Chatsworth, like enjoying lunch at the umbrellas above the basketball court and celebrating events like UN day. I still miss making small talk with Mr. Kee in the canteen.
4. Was there anyone in our community who played an important role in your time at Chatsworth?
There are way too many people to name! Some that stand out include Mr. Leah, Ms. Kelly, Ms. Favaro, Mr. Reid, Mrs. Saxena, Ms. Maggs, Mr. Bendik, Sra. Martinez... I’m definitely missing a lot. I had wonderful teachers at Chatsworth.
5. Which aspect of your Chatsworth education helped prepare you the most for life, personally or professionally beyond high school?
I would say the close, welcoming and diverse community. I made great friends from all over the world and learned from teachers that really cared about my well-being and success.
6. What advice would you give to graduating students?
Take everything in and be proud of your accomplishment! Never again will you be part of a community like Chatsworth, so appreciate your final moments there. At the same time, don’t be fearful of the future. Many amazing experiences await you!

Parent of 2 Chatsworth students
Sarah Ameer

Sarah Ameer
Parent of 2 Chatsworth students
1. Where are you from and can you tell us a little more about your family?
I am of Lebanese and Sri Lankan descent but grew up in the UK. I was never very good with the cold and love the weather and food in Asia. My husband is Australian and grew up surfing in Adelaide. We have 3 children, 2 of which are Amaya and Yahni in Year 9 and 11 respectively. We love sports, especially tennis and basketball, the outdoors and philanthropy.
2. Why did you choose Chatsworth for your child(ren)?
We chose Chatsworth due to its smaller and more personal, down-to-earth feel, as well as for the IB curriculum and multicultural environment.
3. What do your child(ren) enjoy most about learning at Chatsworth?
My children enjoy the close knit nature of Chatsworth and the opportunity that brings to getting to know their teachers on a deeper level. They love the curriculum and international atmosphere too.
4. Do you participate in school and/or non-school activities with other Chatsworth parents? If so, can you share with us about some of the things you’ve enjoyed?
I’m quite busy so not as much as I would like to but I enjoy catching up with the parents of my children’s friends and attending school bbq’s etc.
5. What would you say to another parent thinking about coming to Chatsworth?
If you are looking for a smaller school where teachers actually “know” your children and are really willing to go the extra mile, then Chatsworth could be the school for you. From an English teacher giving that ‘over-and-above’ guidance to my daughter for College choices, friendly admission staff or a basketball coach willing to put in after-hours practice with my son, Chatsworth has a very inspirational element to it that is hard to find anywhere!
6. Is there anything else you’d like us to know?
No, but I would like to thank you for providing my children with the support that young ones often need and for gifting them an education that they will look back fondly upon.

Year 6 student
Vedang Jayaram

Vedang Jayaram
Year 6 student
1. How long have you been studying at Chatsworth and where are you from?
I have studied in Chatsworth for one semester and I joined at the start of Year 6 in school year 2021-22. I am from New Delhi, India.
2. What is your favourite subject, and why?
My favourite subject is PE, since we get to play different games and sports in the Sports Hall and sometimes at The Nest.
3. Which CCAs are you taking this school year and how are you enjoying it/them so far?
I have signed up for Fitness legends as a CCA. While it is yet to begin, I look forward to learning more about fitness and new routines.
4. What are the one or two things you like about Chatsworth?
The thing I like about Chatsworth is the way to get to PE through the forest. Chatsworth is also surrounded by trees and forest and you can actually see the monkeys sometimes.
5. What do you do for fun outside of school?
I like to do coding and play video games for fun outside of school.
6. Which renowned person, whether current or history would you like to meet in person, and why?
I guess I want to meet Julius Caesar because I want to know why ancient Romans thought brushing and bathing was unhygienic.
7. Is there anything else you’d like us to know?
I think that Chatsworth is a good school because the subjects are fun and the school campus is nice.

School Nurse
Parvathy D/O Sundramuthi

Parvathy D/O Sundramuthi
School Nurse
1. How long have you been at Chatsworth and what is your role?
I have been in Chatsworth for more than six years now and was the school nurse at Orchard campus and now at Bukit Timah.
2. What do you love about the school?
I love being with kids, the school's transparent policy and the community here at Chatsworth as everyone, be it staff, parents or students, is always ready with a helping hand. I also love the jungle atmosphere especially when it rains as it gives me a peaceful feeling even though I still get some jitters whenever I see monkeys. Last of all, I have definitely learned so much from Dr. Sherwood on how he handles everything calmly with his friendly approach.
3. Where are you from originally and why did you choose to come work at Chatsworth?
I used to work in the Endoscopy department at a government restructured hospital. I then did locum nursing for about eight years in order to have flexible time with my daughter. In hoping to find a permanent job, I applied for a job here at Chatsworth and have no regrets about taking up this role.
4. What hobbies or interests do you have outside of school?
My hobbies are doing DIY crafts, baking and cooking (trying out other cuisines on my own). I also love dancing and grooving to music at home.
5. What would you say to a prospective student/parent as to why they should choose Chatsworth?
Chatsworth is a beautiful and holistic place to start the education journey. Your child will get covered in all aspects of growth here at Chatsworth.

Class of 2015
Paul Denty

Paul Denty
Class of 2015
1. How many years did you attend Chatsworth?
I attended Chatsworth for almost my entire international education in Singapore from K2 to Year 13 and that's 13.5 years!
2. What did you do after graduating from Chatsworth?
I moved to London and attended Queen Mary University of London and Studied Geography with Business.
3. Where are you based now and what is your occupation?
I am currently a Global Recruitment Consultant in London.
4. Can you share some favourite memories at Chatsworth?
Almost too many! Playing sport was a major part of my time at Chatsworth and playing Football, Cricket, Basketball, Rugby with other international schools was great. CEW was also great, travelling to Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia every year was amazing. It was just nice to be in such an international environment where everyone got along and you could be yourself. The assemblies that we had to perform in Elementary were also funny to think about (even though at the time it was a nightmare!)
5. Was there anyone in our community who played an important role in your time at Chatsworth?
Each year, there were always a few people who really helped me. Towards the end of my time at Chatsworth, which was probably the most important, Mrs Saxena, Mrs Saha, Mr Morley and Mr Louis really supported and guided me towards the next step.
6. Which aspect of your Chatsworth education helped prepare you the most for life, personally or professionally beyond high school?
Personally - Confidence was key when I moved to London, which was built up over time in my years at Chatsworth. Also it is a good conversation starter when you lived overseas for so long so making friends wasn't as difficult!
Professionally - I speak to people from all around the world every day in my current job so that cultural awareness and rapport is much easier to build since I came from an international background.
7. Given your achievements and experience, what sort of advice would you give to current Chatsworth students?
Embrace living overseas, especially in such a great city like Singapore. I always wanted to live in London when I was at school but now I would love to move back to Asia! Don't take it for granted and even if you think you aren't achieving much, you are - because international education is invaluable

Parent of 4 Chatsworth students
Roshika Ranasinghe

Roshika Ranasinghe
Parent of 4 Chatsworth students
1. Where are you from and can you tell us a little more about your family?
I am from Sri Lanka. We are a family of 6. My husband's name is Yohan and we have 4 children. Our eldest son Yevan is 14 years, Yanik and Yevin are 12 years old and our daughter Shanara is 10 years old.
2. Why did you choose Chatsworth for your child(ren)?
We chose Chatsworth as it brings the perfect balance of academics, sports, friendships and values.
3. What do your child(ren) enjoy most about learning at Chatsworth?
Chatsworth is a safe space to learn and make mistakes, to feel accepted as an individual with all their "imperfections".
4. Do you participate in school and/or non-school activities with other Chatsworth parents? If so, can you share with us about some of the things you’ve enjoyed?
Yes I am actively involved in the CPG. I love the beautiful community of parents we have in Chatsworth. We help in organising events, helping out in the library, welcoming new parents, providing second hand uniforms, etc. What I enjoy most is the comradery among the parents; to help and have fun while working and of course we do need a lot of coffee!
5. What would you say to another parent thinking about coming to Chatsworth?
Don't join Chatsworth just because other people say they love it. Join it because your heart says so. It's one of the best decisions I have made in my life and as my kids put on their uniform each day I am humbled and grateful for what Chatsworth has brought into our lives.
6. Is there anything else you’d like us to know?
Chatsworth has shown my kids to be grounded, sensible, inclusive and most of all happy.

Year 10 student
Aleksandra Kupiec

Aleksandra Kupiec
Year 10 student
1. How long have you been studying at Chatsworth and where are you from?
I'm from Poland, however, I've been studying at Chatsworth for 8 years.
2. What is your favourite subject, and why?
My favourite subject would be science, as I get the chance to learn about how the world works, and different aspects of life.
3. You have been riding horses a few times weekly. What drives you to learn horse riding and what is the most challenging part?
My biggest motive for horse riding is the ability to form a partnership with the horse, and to be able to experience a whole journey with the horse, growing together. The most challenging part would be the amount of trust both you and the horse have to put into each other, especially when jumping, as well as correct communication in order to give cues to the horse, only using your body.
4. What are the one or two things you like about Chatsworth?
One of my favourite things about Chatsworth is the community. The smaller size of our school makes it feel more family-like, and everyone is understanding and accepting towards one another.
5. What else do you do for fun outside of school?
Apart from horse riding, I don't do any particular activities, I'll either spend time at the stables helping out or I'll go see my friends.
6. Which renowned person, whether current or history would you like to meet in person, and why
If I could meet any famous person, dead or alive, I would choose Robert Downey Jr. who’s one of the most successful actors today. I’d like to meet him and ask him about how his difficult past has affected himself and his career, and how he thinks he has changed from the person he used to be to who he is now.

Parent of 3 Chatsworth students
Amy Moon

Amy Moon
Parent of 3 Chatsworth students
1. Where are you from and can you tell us a little more about your family?
We are Americans from Salt Lake City, Utah, in the USA. We moved to Singapore just over four years ago. We had been wanting an international experience for many years and when Nate’s company asked if he would like to take a job in Singapore we were excited about the opportunity. Avery, 17, is a senior, Savannah, 14, is in year 10 and Jonah, 9, is in Year 5. We love to travel, eat good food, and we miss our mountains back home where we loved to ski.
2. Why did you choose Chatsworth for your child(ren)?
We heard of Chatsworth by doing a lot of research on the internet. We specifically wanted an international experience and finding a school that didn’t have a dominant nationality was important to us. However, with older kids we needed to find a curriculum that would transfer back to the States if we needed to and the IB curriculum worked well for that. We loved the small class sizes and community feel of Chatsworth and the tuition was a better price point than the larger international schools.
3. What do your child(ren) enjoy most about learning at Chatsworth?
I think my kids most love the people of Chatsworth. Their teachers are kind and competent and always willing to help. They love going to school to meet with friends and classmates. This year our family has benefited from tremendous support from administration and counseling services after experiencing a health crisis with one of our children. The love and concern we have felt is something we will never forget.
4. Do you participate in school and/or non-school activities with other Chatsworth parents? If so, can you share with us about some of the things you’ve enjoyed?
We have been lucky to find some of the most wonderful friends in the Chatsworth community. They have been a support system to us, celebrating highs and supporting us during our low times. These friends have become like family to us.
5. What would you say to another parent thinking about coming to Chatsworth?
I realize parents are looking for different educational aspects for their individual child, but I would recommend Chatsworth to anyone looking for a quality education, with caring and knowledgeable teachers and a welcoming, diverse community of students and parents.

Year 10 student
Rotem Veinstein

Rotem Veinstein
Year 10 student
1. How long have you been studying at Chatsworth and where are you from?
I have been studying at Chatsworth since Year 4 which was around seven years ago, and originally I am from Israel.
2. What is your favourite subject, and why?
I would definitely have to say that art is my favourite subject. I've always loved the freeness of it and how I can bring my personal life and experiences into artworks. Art is a way I like to deal with stress and I am always able to be myself on an artwork.
3. You rehearse dance routines weekly. How did you get into dancing and what inspires you to dance?
I got into dance after previously being a competitive gymnast. I always had the right rhythm and excitement to move around. I love how you are really in your own world when dancing. Whenever a song comes on I feel as though I'm in my own bubble and I am free. Music is definitely my biggest inspiration for dance.
4. What are the one or two things you like about Chatsworth?
Chatsworth has always felt like home to me. I grew up here and till this day still see people I first saw in Y4. That is why I love the community. Our small school means having friends all around and getting to really know everyone. I also love the inclusivity of different passions, hobbies, nationalities and more.
5.What else do you do for fun outside of school?
Outside of school I always try to surround myself around the people I love. Reading is a really great love of mine along with, of course, dance.
6. Which renowned person, whether current or history would you like to meet in person, and why?
I would say that I would love to have met Cameron Boyce. Though sadly he passed away young, he was always an amazing activist for anti-gun laws and used his platform to raise awareness. He was always making people smile and I truly would have loved to meet him.

Year 4 student
Antoine Trombetta

Antoine Trombetta
Year 4 student
1. How long have you been studying at Chatsworth and where are you from?
I have been at Chatsworth for four years. I am French.
2. What is your favourite subject, and why?
My favourite subject is maths because I like thinking of different ways of adding or subtracting numbers.
3. You have fundraised for a good cause in semester 1. Can you share more about this activity and what inspired you to do what you did?
I decided to make some origami and sell them in profit of ItsRaining Raincoats charity because I knew the migrant workers don't have presents for Christmas. I managed to raise $105 and could buy soaps, shampoos, rice, hand sanitizers, chocolates, masks etc... I went to distribute them over the holiday.
4. What are the one or two things you like about Chatsworth?
Two things I love about Chatsworth are all the kind teachers we have around our school and that we will never be lonely even if we are new.
5. What do you do for fun outside of school?
I love building Lego constructions and expanding my Pokemon cards collection.
6. Which renowned person, whether current or history would you like to meet in person, and why?
I would love to meet Isaac Newton and to ask him how he managed to discover gravity. What is really an apple or is it a myth?
7. Is there anything else you’d like us to know?
I have a baby brother and he is 8 months old. I am impatient for him to go to Chatsworth too.

Music and Theatre Teacher
Jake Eades

Jake Eades
Music and Theatre Teacher
1. How long have you been at Chatsworth and what is your role?
I have been at Chatsworth for six years and hold multiple roles in the school. I am the Year 7 group coordinator, Head of MYP service and fundraising as well as a teacher of Music and Theatre.
2. What do you love about the school?
I love the fact the school has always supported the Arts and always invested in our Arts programmes to grow, develop and expand them. The school community is also fantastic, my own children go to the school and love it which is a big plus for me.
3. Where are you from originally and why did you choose to come work at Chatsworth?
I'm originally from England though I have lived in Asia for the past 14 years. I chose Chatsworth as an employer because I wanted to work in a smaller school where it's possible for me to know all of the students individually as I believe that building good relationships with every student is one of the most important parts of education.
4. What hobbies or interests do you have outside of school?
Outside of school, I train in Boxing, Muay Thai, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The school is located near some excellent training facilities that both my children and I take full advantage of.
5. What would you say to a prospective student/parent as to why they should choose Chatsworth?
Chatsworth will support your child as an individual to help them get the best out of their educational experience and will also offer them a well-rounded, international education in a great school community.

Class of 2015
Saheel Singh

Saheel Singh
Class of 2015
1. Which year levels have you attended at Chatsworth?
I have attended years 3-13.
2. Where are you based at now, can you tell us what you have been up to?
I am living in Sydney Australia, and have finished a bachelor and a master's degree for speech pathology. I am now a speech language pathologist working in adult rehabilitation.
3. How has your IB education informed your university studies? |
The IB diploma set me up for good habits and knowledge to take on university with ease. During the IB course, I continuously learnt to find balance with studies and looking after myself by enjoying social or sporting events. IB allowed me to challenge myself by balancing those two as well as learning so much content. What you do in terms of workload and your CAS activities teaches you a lot for the future! I still try using the tips I learnt from the IB.
4. Can you share some favourite memories at Chatsworth?
My favourite memories were built with the friends I made at the community at Chatsworth. I am still close to all my friends at Chatsworth till this day. The Chatsworth community always did their best to make me feel at home.
5. Was there anyone in our community who played an important role in your time at Chatsworth?
It was a whole collective support from teachers and friends. I could not pick out a specific role model as we all learnt from one another.
6. What advice would you give to graduating students?
Build good habits and try to utilise them in your day to day life. Keep good friends/teachers/people around, as they will be your role models that lead you to a brighter future.

Parent of 2 Chatsworth students
Abigail Browne

Abigail Browne
Parent of 2 Chatsworth students
1. Where are you from and can you tell us a little more about your family?
My husband Darrin and I moved to Singapore from Melbourne, Australia and have lived here for over 5 years now. We have 2 children, both at Chatsworth – Ewan in K2 and Alice in Y3.
2. Why did you choose Chatsworth for your child(ren)?
We initially chose the Chatsworth Orchard campus for Alice in Y1, we loved the smaller size of the school, the community feel and the IB education which gave a more rounded education than maybe a more structured curriculum. Also at the time the building on Orchard Road was a great location, steeped in Singapore history. We then moved to the Bukit Timah campus and really liked the jungle feel of the school. There is lots of space for the kids to roam, a calming natural environment and we really liked the fact that the school had the same feel – a nurturing and safe place for the kids to learn and teaching staff that genuinely cared for the kids and wanted to create a love of learning to the school.
3. What do your child(ren) enjoy most about learning at Chatsworth?
The teachers play a huge part, all the teachers we have had have been amazing – genuine, caring, patient and also very inclusive in their approach. Our kids have always loved going to school, and sometimes are sad when it's the holidays! Also the rest of the children in the school make a huge difference too, there seems to be a genuine sense of group learning, friendships and children that really care about each other and look out for everyone.
4. Do you participate in school and/or non-school activities with other Chatsworth parents? If so, can you share with us about some of the things you’ve enjoyed?
Pre-COVID it was easier to engage with other parents, not so much now. But we have WhatsApp groups for the class parents to share information and also to create a sense of community. Once we can have larger groups I’m hoping we can have some more parents get togethers! Also the formal parents group is amazing and we look forward to engaging more with the school when things return to normal.
5. What would you say to another parent thinking about coming to Chatsworth?
Go to visit the school, see how the children are and that will give you a sense of the school – we saw lots of happy, smiling kids who were clearly enjoying being at school, but who were also so engaged with the teachers on duty and where there was an informal and open door policy for the kids.
Chatsworth is a great place if you want to follow the IB program, have a nurturing and caring environment, one where the teachers genuinely care and where your kids will no doubt settle in quickly and want to go to school every morning!

Class of 2020
Camellia Pham

Camellia Pham
Class of 2020
1. Which year levels did you attend Chatsworth?
I attended Chatsworth for all four years of high school, from Year 10 to Year 13.
2. Where are you based at now, can you tell us what you have been up to?
After taking a gap year amid the COVID-19 pandemic, I am currently studying Business Administration at the National University of Singapore. During my first few months as a university student, I have had the honour of representing Singapore and NUS at the finals for the CFA Ethics Competition and the HKFBS Business Administration Paper 2021. Over the next few years, I intend to specialise in Finance and Business Analytics, and minor in Communications and New Media.
3. How has your IB education informed your university studies?
The IB program has particularly informed my studies in two ways. Firstly, the skills and techniques I adopted in pursuing the Extended Essay (EE) primed my approach to writing and communication in a business environment. At university, I have applied many of the frameworks Ms. Melis taught us during EE workshops not just in academic essays but business proposals, speeches, and presentations. Secondly, the rigour of the IB program demanded that I learn how to manage time wisely and balance academics, leisure, and other life responsibilities. Despite juggling six courses and extracurriculars every semester, I regularly make time to read, watch movies, and annoy my younger sister, as I can apply the time management skills I developed throughout high school.
4. Can you share some favourite memories at Chatsworth?
My favourite memories were actually in the classroom with my peers. Chatsworth’s small class size allowed us to openly discuss the concepts we were studying and further explore them through varying perspectives. Even when the content was heavy or difficult, these discussions always made learning more engaging, as everyone was encouraged to participate and take initiative in sharing ideas. This was especially prominent in Theory of Knowledge (TOK) classes, where we would often have chaotic (but highly productive and educational) debates over subjective topics such as ethics, values, and religion. Through these interactions, I was not only able to evolve my views and understanding of the subjects taught, but also my relationships with my peers, many of whom I still consider my close friends today.
5. Was there anyone in our community who played an important role in your time at Chatsworth?
As I mentioned above, the memories I made with my friends shaped my experience at Chatsworth. Whether in the classroom, on CEW, or at a sports game, we created treasured moments we still reminisce about to this day. However, many of these memories would not have occurred if it were not for our teachers, who continuously supported and guided us in our academic learning, as well as our growth as individuals in society. I speak for my friends when I say that many of our teachers were role models who taught us lessons about life and were always open to offer a hand and ear whenever we faced a problem (be it academic or personal). On behalf of my cohort, I would like to especially thank Ms. Scott for civilising our TOK classes and being the teacher every student could go to for support; Mr. Jenson for enlightening our Geography classes about the world far beyond the IB syllabus; and Mr. Ballgobin for somehow enduring our testosterone-filled Physics classes and sparking greater curiosity in every one of us about the universe we live in.
6. What are your plans after graduation?
Ideally, I plan on marrying a Wall Street hedge fund manager and becoming a part-time TikTok celebrity. If that doesn’t work out, I will probably resort to a career in private equity, insurance, or wealth management and eventually pursue an MBA.
Alternatively, I am interested in journalism. I have been increasingly disappointed by the current era of internet hoaxes and partisan new stories that feed on and cater to mob psychology. With the core values of the IB program in mind, I believe it is imperative for all mediums of information to be transparent, balanced, and reflective—as only then can current and future generations become open-minded thinkers instead of the blinded string puppets we too often see today. So, if not financial journalism, I would love to support, or even start a news media company that prioritises objective truths over political agendas and performative ethics.
With the pandemic coming to an end, I also hope to travel more with my friends and family. I recently watched a documentary about Cyprus’s history, and am most excited to visit the island country to learn more about its culture and hang out with its native wild donkeys.

Year 6 student
Mia Smit

Mia Smit
Year 6 student
1. How long have you been studying at Chatsworth and where are you from?
I have been studying at Chatsworth for 5 years. I am from Australia.
2. What is your favourite subject, and why?
My favourite subject is Art. I really like to be creative and translate my ideas into art without having to follow any particular rules.
3. Which CCAs/ECAs have you previously participated in and can you share your experiences?
Over the years I have been on the football and swim team. I really enjoyed football but we didn’t get to play many matches and I was almost the only girl. In the swim team when I was at Orchard Campus it was really fun and I liked going to the meets at the other campus. I met friends from Bukit Timah.
4. What are the one or two things you like about Chatsworth?
Only 2? I like the way they teach and the way they help you when you make mistakes. Mistakes help us know we need a little extra help. I like how social the school is with so many different people in the school - genders, ages and cultures - we are a very inclusive group.
5. What do you do for fun outside of school?
I like rollerblading and playing with my brothers.
6. Which renowned person, whether current or history would you like to meet in person, and why?
Jenna Downing - a famous 1990’s rollerblader
7. Is there anything else you’d like us to know?
I have a cat called Panther. He is a sassy boy!

Year 12 Student
Christoph Cuan

Christoph Cuan
Year 12 Student
1. How long have you been studying at Chatsworth and where are you from?
I’ve been studying in Chatsworth for 2 years since Year 10 and I come from the Philippines.
2. What is your favourite subject, and why?
My favourite subjects are Math and Economics since both are very challenging and intuitive. They are related to a great extent and can be very relevant in our everyday life.
3. Can you share an accomplishment in your middle years programme?
Learning to play the violin is one of my accomplishments during the MYP. I studied the instrument as part of my Personal Project. Right now, I’m preparing to take the ABRSM practical exam.
4. What are the one or two things you like about Chatsworth?
Chatsworth has a warm and vibrant community. There are many opportunities for students to be exposed to people from different cultures and backgrounds. The teachers are super friendly and approachable, and I don’t feel afraid to approach them for help when I need it. The students are also generally open and very welcoming.
5. What do you do for fun outside of school?
In my free time, I like to jog, play the violin, or listen to music. I also love to watch movies with family or friends, and play Pokemon Go!
6. Which renowned person, whether current or history would you like to meet in person, and why?
I’d like to meet Maria Ressa in person. She’s the first Filipino journalist to win the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize. I would tell her that I am inspired by her courage to expose abuse of power and authoritarianism of the government. Even in the face of growing threats to her well-being and press freedom in the Philippines, she still chooses to assert her freedom of speech to defend democracy. I will also ask for her advice on how to take a stand against persecution and harassment.

Maintenance Administrator
Abdul Gani

Abdul Gani
Maintenance Administrator
1. How long have you been at Chatsworth and what is your role?
I started off as a security officer at the Orchard campus in early 2017. After one and a half years I was offered the role to lead the maintenance and cleaning team at the Bukit Timah campus.
2. What do you love about the school?
I enjoy working here because of the diverse and inclusive community of parents, students, teachers and colleagues. Every morning and afternoon rain or shine, I help to marshall the traffic coming into the campus and being able to meet and greet families is something I find enjoyable too.
3. Where are you from originally and why did you choose to come work at Chatsworth?
I was born and brought up in Singapore. I used to work in the hotel industry when I was in my 20's and since then I just love meeting and working with people of diverse cultures.
4. What hobbies or interests do you have outside of school?
I like to go out for good food with my wife and three daughters.
5. What would you say to a prospective student/parent as to why they should choose Chatsworth?
Chatsworth is a close knit community where students can come and learn in a very conducive environment.

Chatsworth Parent
Laura Blanchard

Laura Blanchard
Chatsworth Parent
1. Where are you from and can you tell us a little more about your family?
I am from London in the UK, and moved to Singapore 2.5 years ago with my husband, Steve, and daughter, Freya (10 years old). Steve grew up in Hong Kong and I briefly lived there too, so we were keen to return to Asia and have Freya share those experiences too.
2. Why did you choose Chatsworth for your child(ren)?
We wanted Freya to attend a school with a close, caring and intimate community so that she wouldn't be too overwhelmed by her move to a different country, and to make her transition as easy as possible. Chatsworth definitely excelled itself in this and she settled in very quickly.
3. What do your child(ren) enjoy most about learning at Chatsworth?
With such a diverse and international community she has loved learning about so many different cultures, faiths and countries - both in the classroom and because of the other students she mixes with. We feel this is a valuable and amazing education in itself and is helping her to learn about the wider world rather than just the country she is from.
4. Do you participate in school and/or non-school activities with other Chatsworth parents? If so, can you share with us about some of the things you’ve enjoyed?
I volunteer to help in the school library regularly (when parents are allowed on campus!), which has been a great insight into how the school works (as the IB system is very different to the UK education system). Although Covid restrictions have meant my contact with other Chatsworth parents has been limited, I have made some very close friends with other parents and they have become a valuable part of my life being so far away from home.
5. What would you say to another parent thinking about coming to Chatsworth?
Chatsworth is a very caring, inclusive environment that listens to and respects both its students and their parents. Coupled with its high educational standards, it still delivers a very personal experience for your child to thrive in.

Year 13 student
Aditya Poply

Aditya Poply
Year 13 student
1. How long have you been studying at Chatsworth and where are you from?
I have been studying at Chatsworth since August 2017, and I have been here ever since! Originally from New Delhi, India; I have been calling Singapore home for the past 7 years.
2. What is your favourite subject, and why?
My favourite subject is economics because it is about the behaviour and choices that people make, which is a subject matter that fascinates me. It is a field that has strong links between classroom theories and real-life application.
3. You have been tutoring younger students in math as a community service. Can you tell us more about it and what inspired you to do that?
Tutoring as a community service was very attractive because helping my juniors understand the fundamental concept of mathematics and helping them achieve better grades was very satisfying. It also helped me in clarifying and re-learning a lot of basic mathematical concepts and axioms.
4. What are the one or two things you like about Chatsworth?
I love the tight-knit community of Chatsworth as the bond between students, teachers and staff is very strong and comforting. The school allows us to be ourselves and also help us develop into better versions of us.
5. What do you do for fun outside of school?
My three fun activities are hanging out with friends, binge-watching Netflix shows and playing video games!
6. Which renowned person, whether current or history would you like to meet in person, and why?
I would love to meet Steve Jobs as I have always admired his entrepreneurial spirit and out-of-the-box thinking.

Year 6 student
Kokomi Oyama

Kokomi Oyama
Year 6 student
1. How long have you been studying at Chatsworth and where are you from?
I have attended Chatsworth for 2 years now and I am from Japan.
2. What is your favourite subject, and why?
My favourite subject is Mandarin because I like learning new languages so I can communicate with lots of other people. Also I love my Mandarin teacher too.
3. You had attended EAL lessons in school. How has that benefited you and what do you enjoy the most?
I used to take EAL lessons and I think I have improved my English a lot. I enjoy communicating with my teacher and my friends during the class because I like communicating with someone.
4. What are the one or two things you like about Chatsworth?
One thing I like about Chatsworth is that teachers are friendly and easy to learn from.
5. What do you do for fun outside of school?
I like to hangout and spend time with my friends. I also revise and practice what I learned at school to improve my knowledge.
6. Which renowned person, whether current or history would you like to meet in person, and why?
I would like to meet Malala Yousafzai because I learned about child rights and I was interested in it. Also I was surprised by how she fought to get her rights even though she was only a child like me. Malala Yousafzai inspired me to inquire more about child rights.
7. Is there anything else you’d like us to know?
One thing I want everyone to know is that I love Chatsworth and I think it is a great school where the community is positive and it is fun to learn!

MYP Art and Design Teacher
Cory Desmond

Cory Desmond
MYP Art and Design Teacher
1. How long have you been at Chatsworth and what is your role?
I joined Chatsworth in August 2002 and this is my second year here. I teach MYP Art & Design.
2. What do you love about the school?
I am impressed by many of the students’ inherent qualities of mind and character.
3. Where are you from originally and why did you choose to come work at Chatsworth?
I am from the USA although I have been teaching in various countries over the past decade. I chose Chatsworth based on my interactions with the school administration and human resources on several occasions over a period of time, as well as for the small but international community it offers.
4. What hobbies or interests do you have outside of school?
I am into Fitness and weight-train bi-weekly and run a 5K each weekend. I also consistently take classes in bachata as well as several variations of salsa.
5. What would you say to a prospective student/parent as to why they should choose Chatsworth?
Chatsworth is a diverse community, filled with extremely kind and well-mannered students, many of whom work hard and make the school a better place (as they will the world).

Head Receptionist
Violet Loi

Violet Loi
Head Receptionist
1. How long have you been at Chatsworth and what is your role?
I have been with Chatsworth for 21 years now and have been a Head Receptionist at Orchard and now Bukit Timah.
2. What do you love about the school?
As a receptionist, I have the opportunity to meet anyone who walks into the school and I am enjoying the interactions with people from all over the world. The one thing I love most is the close bonding in our community, which is like one big family where I truly feel a sense of belonging and valued.
3. Where are you from originally and why did you choose to come work at Chatsworth?
I am from the small tiny dot country - Singapore. I was originally stationed at Orchard Campus where I had the great opportunity to work right in the centre of the city. Having moved to Bukit Timah, I definitely miss the ease and convenience Orchard has. But I am amazed at how I am loving the lively atmosphere surrounded by the greenery and the regular sightings of the wildlife here.
4. What hobbies or interests do you have outside of school?
Cafe-hopping is one of my favourite activities and I love to chill out at the cafes. As a food lover, I spend a lot of time looking for all kinds of good food in Singapore. Cooking is another interest I have picked up lately due to Covid-19. I am learning to cook home cooked food for my family and my biggest fan is my daughter who loves it.
5. What would you say to a prospective student/parent as to why they should choose Chatsworth?
Chatsworth is a wonderful place that is inviting and welcoming for everyone - staff, students and parents. I feel that it is a place where you can call a second home and one for your children to grow and learn.

Parent of 2 Chatsworth students
Robert Lyons

Robert Lyons
Parent of 2 Chatsworth students
1. Where are you from and can you tell us a little more about your family?
Originally from London, but with Irish roots in Waterford. I've lived in Sydney, Kuala Lumpur and now been in Singapore for 13 years, with my beautiful wife, Nicole and our sons, James (13yrs old) and George (9yrs old). Like most expats, work brought us to Singapore. I work in Cyber Security, keeping the bad guys from the internet and organisations' data. Nicole is crazily active in the Chatsworth Parent Group! James and George tackle rugby for the Singapore Cricket Club (SCC) rugby team.
2. Why did you choose Chatsworth for your child(ren)?
Nicole was instrumental in finding Chatsworth. After reading about the school she said we have to visit and take a look. We wanted a school where both James and George felt a part of. Where life skills are as important as the sciences and academia. We love the approach to giving the children the skills they need to understand the world around them. Chatsworth ticked all those boxes. We were also looking for a school that encourages parent participation. After all our kids are out of our sight for the whole day, so to be able to engage with the school when needed was so welcomed.
3.What do your child(ren) enjoy most about learning at Chatsworth?
Both the boys give Chatsworth a big thumbs up for the atmosphere. The ability to socialise, meet each other at break times. One of the stand out advantages for me is the attention given by the teachers. The kids are not lost in a vast system, but are each able to receive the engagement and support they need, when they need it. Sometimes this is lost in schools with 1000's of students and large class sizes.
4. Do you participate in school and/or non-school activities with other Chatsworth parents? If so, can you share with us about some of the things you’ve enjoyed?
United Nations Day is just awesome. A celebration of the whole world's cultures! Working with other parents to prepare is great fun. Volunteering to help out with school trips is another way for parents to participate and have fun. You haven't lived until you've been on a bus with 20plus 7 years olds excited about the day ahead! It's so rewarding. Outside of school, the SCC rugby club is a social gathering of parents from across Singapore, and many having kids in Chatsworth. So (restrictions permitting...) it's a great time to catch up during the training sessions and competitions.
5. What would you say to another parent thinking about coming to Chatsworth?
Chatsworth is so encouraging of a community spirit. And in particular engaging with parents in school activities. Whether it's preparing for a school play or event, United Nations Day or Christmas carols, being able to take part in the preparation is a great feeling of belonging. Nothing beats camping in the art room gluing together 10's of costumes for a school play! As a true community, the school needs the parent's support as much as the parents need the school. Chatsworth fosters this relationship so strongly.
6. Is there anything else you’d like us to know?
I guess I used to wow'd by the thought of a school's facilities. How big is the gym, how large is the swimming pool or do they have a theatre. Now I am wow'd by the spirit of the school. The educators and their feelings for the children. And most of all the community. Chatsworth has all the facilities a kid could want. And has the spirit they need.

Kota Wanajo, Year 9 student
Kota Wanajo

Kota Wanajo
Kota Wanajo, Year 9 student
1. How long have you been studying at Chatsworth and where are you from?
I have been studying at Chatsworth for five years now. I am from Japan.
2. What is your favourite subject, and why?
My favourite subject is Physical and Health Education because I can actively participate in a variety of physical activities.
3. You have actively participated in the Chatsnews CCA previously. Did you enjoy the CCA and how has it benefited you?
I joined the Chatsnews CCA for a year and really enjoyed it. The experiences have helped me when I needed to show what I have done in my school when I took exams in Japan. Also, I have learned to speak a little louder and am able to speak with people without being shy. I would recommend the CCA to anyone as I believe it would be one of the most interesting experiences at school.
4. What are the one or two things you like about Chatsworth?
I like how this campus is surrounded by nature which gives me the opportunities to look at creatures in the forest such as monkeys and chickens.
5. What do you do for fun outside of school?
I play baseball with the team on weekends.
6. Which renowned person, whether current or history would you like to meet in person, and why?
I want to meet Babe Ruth, a famous baseball player in the 1900's because I want to ask how he became such a famous person in his life and how he came to play baseball in the first place.

Aruna Silva, Year 12 student
Aruna Silva

Aruna Silva
Aruna Silva, Year 12 student
1. How long have you been studying at Chatsworth and where are you from?
My name is Aruna Silva, I was born in Hawaii, and I have been studying at Chatsworth for 6 years.
2. What is your favouite subject, and why?
Besides mandarin, I like almost all my subjects. However, my favourite subjects would be language and literature, and visual arts. I really enjoy language and literature because we are able to discuss social global issues and connect them to the literature we read in class. In addition, I also thoroughly enjoy visual arts as I feel the most creative and inspired when painting, drawing, etc.
3. You have single-handedly painted a wall mural at the school. Tell us what inspired you to do what you did and why you have chosen the theme.
Although the mural was made for my Personal Project in Year 11, that was not the sole purpose for painting it; It was just a convenient opportunity to finally take action and do something I was really passionate about while spreading an important message about the environment. In my past MYP years, I had participated in a few mural projects around the school in CCAs and I have always enjoyed painting in my free time. I always thought it would be an amazing experience to one day paint a mural on my own, and was inspired by murals I have seen around the city and other places such as Banksy’s famous influential murals. As the Personal Project was a perfect opportunity to paint my own mural, my project also had to have a purpose and meaning. Thus, I combined my passion for painting with my passion for the advocacy of global issues such as plastic pollution in oceans. I’m not the only one, but I love the ocean and going to the beach, especially being from Hawaii where there are beautiful beaches, therefore I was inspired to paint the mural about plastic pollution.
4. What are the one or two things you like about Chatsworth?
One thing I like about Chatsworth is the warm and welcoming community, and the small size of the school allows for everyone to have their voices heard and nationalities and cultures recognised. Everyone knows each other at this school and individuality is very important and celebrated in this school.
5. What do you do for fun outside of school?
Outside of school, I usually like to make my own artwork, play basketball, or spend time with my friends and family.
6. Which renowned person, whether current or history would you like to meet in person, and why?
If I could, I would like to meet either Bob Ross or Banksy in person. I would want to meet Bob Ross, if he were alive on this earth still, because he is an amazing artist and from what I have seen on his show, was a very kind and inspiring person. I would also like to meet Banksy in person as he is a very mysterious artist, who we do not know much about as his work is often technically illegal because he doesn’t get permission to paint his murals. This makes me more eager to meet him in person because I would have so many questions to ask him and he has inspired me and the mural.

Library Assistant
Yati Hussein

Yati Hussein
Library Assistant
1. How long have you been at Chatsworth and what is your role?
I have been with Chatsworth for 24 years and have performed several roles throughout the years. I started out as a receptionist, and had worked in admissions and IT departments. I have been a library assistant since August 2020 (when I moved from Orchard to BT).
2. What do you love about the school?
I love the great exposure to the different cultures, thanks to our diverse nationalities. The strong community spirit here makes me feel a sense of kampung spirit where people get along harmoniously and are caring towards one another. I feel very engaged and connected with the many people whom I have met.
3. Where are you from originally and why did you choose to come work at Chatsworth?
I'm from Singapore and have never worked in a school environment until an opportunity to work at Chatsworth came up. I fell in love with the school environment as it is a great place to build relationships. I really enjoy interacting with the children. Seeing their happy faces every day brings me joy.
4. What hobbies or interests do you have outside of school?
I enjoy baking such as cakes, pastries, Malay traditional kueh and cookies during my free time. I also enjoy taking a leisure walk at Tampines Eco Park with my family.
5. What would you say to a prospective student/parent as to why they should choose Chatsworth?
My tenure with Chatsworth for 24 years and counting is telling that Chatsworth is a great place to work and learn. We have a very friendly and close-knit community where everyone seems to know one another. Everyone brings their own talents and unique abilities to this special place to create wonderful learning experiences.

Class of 2018
Justine Bockenmeyer

Justine Bockenmeyer
Class of 2018
1. Which year levels have you attended at Chatsworth?
I attended Chatsworth from Year 5 all the way until Year 13.
2. Where are you based at now, can you tell us what you have been up to?
I am currently in Switzerland, starting my fourth year at the École hôtelière de Lausanne studying International Hospitality Management. As an undergraduate student, I have had the opportunity to complete two internships working in the hospitality industry, one in Brussels and the other back here in Singapore. Not only did this allow me to further apply concepts that I had learnt in class to real-life situations, but I also got to work with people from all different backgrounds, which was something I was familiar with having been exposed to such cultural diversity at Chatsworth.
3. How has your IB education informed your university studies?
The rigorous and demanding program that is the IB has aided me in more than one way during my university studies. Understanding how to navigate the intense workload and regular examinations that we encountered was a crucial part of the IBDP and is something I have been able to apply during my university studies. Additionally, finding a balance between multiple classes and sustaining a social life is another aspect that I grasped thanks to IB, and I now utilise in order to manage nine courses which vary every semester, something quite rare for most universities.
4. Can you share some favourite memories at Chatsworth?
There are so many to choose from but I definitely think that the memories I have made from the numerous CEW trips are some that I will truly cherish forever. Whether it is white water rafting in Malaysia, climbing Mount Bromo or touring the temples of Cambodia, being able to discover new places, cultures and people as well as spending time with my best friends have made these trips unforgettable. I love reliving these memories through photos and videos whenever I have the chance.
5. Was there anyone in our community who played an important role in your time at Chatsworth?
Everyone I have encountered during my nine years at Chatsworth has had an impact in one way or another on the person I am today, that being my teachers, my peers or even staff. Chatsworth's strong sense of community is often brought up when students are asked what they like most about this school and I can confirm that during my time here, I truly felt as if I were part of a close-knit family. Having kind and approachable teachers, small class sizes and friendly peers all contributed to me feeling supported, safe, and like I could fully express myself. I have been extremely lucky to have had many people positively impact my studies however special mentions go out to my teachers; Ms Horan, Mr Hudson, Ms Saxena, Mr Davis and Mr Gutierrez who always believed in me and went the extra mile as well as my best friend Angela Mathie that I've known since Year 5 whom I don't think I would have survived secondary school without!
6. Where do you see yourself in five years - both personally and professionally?
This is a question I often have a hard time answering as I sometimes find it hard to project myself however, I'd say that in five years, I see myself hopefully happy, having continued to travel the world, checking things off my bucket list and discovering more of who I am as a person. Professionally speaking, I hope to have a job in the hospitality industry that I am passionate about that also provides me with financial stability, as well as expand my network and meet people with insightful stories on their paths to success.

Parent of 2 Chatsworth students
Tiffany Ma

Tiffany Ma
Parent of 2 Chatsworth students
1. Where are you from and can you tell us a little more about your family?
We are originally from the USA. I have two children in MYP, both of whom have been with Chatsworth since their Primary school years.
2. Why did you choose Chatsworth for your child(ren)?
Chatsworth is our home away from home. EVERYONE in this community (other parents, teachers & staff) have always been very friendly and welcoming. That’s definitely the type of environment where I want my children to spend most of their day.
3. What do your child(ren) enjoy most about learning at Chatsworth?
The inquiry-based curriculum affords them the opportunity to steer their learning in whichever direction they find most interesting. They also appreciate the ability to work at their own pace. And, of course, the Chatsworth teachers do their very best to keep it fun. Who doesn’t love to learn when it’s so engaging?
4. Do you participate in school and/or non-school activities with other Chatsworth parents? If so, can you share with us about some of the things you’ve enjoyed?
I’ve been part of the CPG for many years. Some of my favourite activities are helping out with UN Day, the Christmas Bazaar and Spring Fair. I love seeing the children and their families come together during special events. It’s very uplifting to watch everyone happily enjoying themselves!
5. What would you say to another parent thinking about coming to Chatsworth?
If you’re looking for a small family-oriented community that values each student and his/her personal strengths and encourages them to (collaboratively and independently) pursue the things that interest them most, then this is the place for you!
6. Is there anything else you’d like us to know?
The best way to truly understand what Chatsworth is really about is to see/feel it for yourself. Come for a visit to decide if we are the best fit for you and your child(ren).

Year 8
Kiran Pengelly

Kiran Pengelly
Year 8
1. How long have you been studying at Chatsworth and where are you from?
This is my second year studying at Chatsworth and I came here from an international school in Hong Kong after finishing Y6 there.
2. What is your favourite subject, and why?
My favourite subjects are probably art and science because Mr Bezzina is nice and understanding and one whom I enjoy learning from. Mr Desmond lets us listen to music during his inspiring art lessons.
3. Which CCAs and/or sports teams are/were you involved in? How has participation in these activities benefited you?
I was in the U14 Boys Football team last year and I think that I came out as a better team player because I got to play with new people and have learned to adapt the way I collaborate.
4. What are the one or two things you like about Chatsworth?
Two things I like about Chatsworth is that firstly, the canteen food is nice and tasty and secondly they have a football team with good playing standards.
5. What do you do for fun outside of school?
I would usually play football or annoy my brother for fun when I am not at school.
6. Which renowned person, whether current or history would you like to meet in person, and why?
I would like to meet Cristiano Ronaldo because he is one of the world’s best football players.

Year 12
Lilowen Trottet

Lilowen Trottet
Year 12
1. How long have you been studying at Chatsworth and where are you from?
This is my 13th year at Chatsworth, as I started in K2 at the Orchard Campus and am now in DP1 at the Bukit Timah Campus. I come from France, and am half French and half Chinese.
2. What is your favourite subject, and why?
My favourite subjects at the moment are visual arts, English and history (my three higher level classes!). I love visual arts as we are encouraged to experiment with a wide range of media, styles, and materials, which allows me to express myself and have fun with creating artwork that I am passionate about. I am also very interested in learning about art history, and artists that have shaped the course of art during different time periods, both historical and contemporary; they inspire me and help shape my work. In English, I love exploring a wide range of different stories and perspectives in English literature, from Franz Kafka's 'The Metamorphosis' to Sylvia Plath's 'The Bell Jar'. Reading these works have helped me gain greater perspective on various modes of thought, social and historical contexts, and the world as a whole. Similarly, studying history allows me to have a much deeper understanding of the world, particularly the social, political, and cultural context of various nations and the ways in which this affects us today.
3. You have been actively involved in the food bank service group. Tell us why you feel passionate about this service group and the work you and the team have done.
I participated in the food bank service group with my year group last year in MYP5 (Year 11). It consisted of planning, organising, and carrying out a food drive, where we collected canned goods, pasta, and other products from students across the entire school to be donated to those facing food insecurity in Singapore. This issue was especially exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic, which has caused many people to lose a source of income or made it difficult in other ways to have access to consistently nutritious food. For this reason our service group felt that it was an important issue to address and raise awareness about within our school community, and we were grateful to be able to contribute towards alleviating some of these burdens.
4. What are the one or two things you like about Chatsworth?
One of the things I love the most about Chatsworth is the community. There is a lot of interaction between students across various year groups and classes, and everyone knows everyone. I also love that the class sizes are relatively small, which means that students are generally more comfortable participating in class, working with peers, and asking questions. This means that the teachers are much more aware of each students' abilities, strengths, and weaknesses, and are able to provide a very personalised approach to learning (e.g. having more available time to help during or outside of class, providing useful resources, etc.). I have found that teachers are always more than happy to help me if I have any questions or difficulties. Personally, I feel that this creates an enjoyable and safe learning environment.
5. What do you do for fun outside of school?
Outside of school, I love being creative and pursuing areas that I am interested or passionate about. These include creating art (drawing, painting) and occasionally baking. I also love getting immersed in a book or a movie, as these are often things that inspire me the most artistically.
6. Which renowned person, whether current or history would you like to meet in person, and why?
As mentioned before, I love movies and art, and animation is one of the intersections of the two that I am really interested in. I particularly admire some of Walt Disney Studios' older 2D animation films, such as 'The Sword in the Stone' and 'Peter Pan', particularly due to the animation and visual style, which immerse the viewers into magical and enchanting worlds. For this reason, I think that it would be fascinating to meet the animators behind such classics and watch how they brought these stories to life.

EAL Teacher
Samuel Choi

Samuel Choi
EAL Teacher
1. How long have you been at Chatsworth and what is your role?
I'm a relatively new teacher here. I joined in August of 2020 and I am a PYP EAL teacher.
2. What do you love about the school?
I love the community aspect of the school. It's true of the students, teachers, and parents. I love hearing about what the students do for fun and what they do during their weekends and breaks. It's always nice when they ask me, "Mr. Sam, what about you? It's your turn to answer the question." It's always good to hear from parents who have an interest in their kids' learning. I also enjoy the Tuesday running group that the teachers have.
3. Where are you from originally and why did you choose to come work at Chatsworth?
I'm from the US, but I've lived in South Korea for seven years before moving to Singapore. Initially, it was due to external circumstances, namely visa complications, that I had to leave Korea. But having moved here, I'm more than happy. I couldn't have chosen a better school and community.
4. What hobbies or interests do you have outside of school?I'm an avid hobbyist, and a bit of an explorer. I love sports of all kinds (not so much watching them). I grew up playing American football, but I've since picked up basketball and futsal. These days, I go swimming, take boxing lessons, and occasionally go rock climbing. I'm also a bit of a foodie and a home cook. I have a sourdough culture that I've kept alive for five years and I also like making ginger beer and kombucha at home. On any given week, I have a kitchen experiment in the works.
5. What would you say to a prospective student/parent as to why they should choose Chatsworth?
If you're looking for a place where your child will find a good community, this is the place to be. We have a positive learning environment and work culture. We also have a student services team that systematically takes care of students who may be struggling, whether in academics or in social settings. I may be a bit biased here, but I think we have a pretty good EAL program and can be appealing to students who may need language support.

Class of 2019
Melody Song

Melody Song
Class of 2019
1. How many years have you attended Chatsworth?
I’ve been at Chatsworth for nine years at all three campuses – I started at the East Coast campus which later closed, so I moved to the Orchard campus and finished at Bukit Timah, which is where the older students attend.
2. You are enrolled in a Life Science programme at the National University of Singapore. What led you to choose this field of study?
I believe the last two years in the IB programme really helped me to consolidate what I wanted to pursue in my further studies in university. In biology classes, I was able to learn about the different aspects of life sciences covering immunity, molecular cell biology, and human metabolism and neurology - all of which really appealed to me and revealed to me the array of opportunities and relevance of this course. When I had to choose a subject for my EE, I decided on biology. From then on, I had an idea that life sciences would be the field I wanted to pursue further education in.
3. What are your favourite memories of Chatsworth?
One of my favourite memories of Chatsworth includes UN Day - where my friends and I would get an opportunity to come to school in our national outfit and try out different cultural activities and food. Even though the celebration is held every year, I always learned something new, and it has really allowed me to cultivate an appreciation of diversity as an international student.
4. You were awarded Chatsworth’s IBDP scholarship for Years 12 and 13. What has that meant to you and your family?
The Chatsworth scholarship helped to relieve my family’s financial burden. It allowed me to focus on my studies, especially with the provision of a MacBook Air, which I heavily relied on during my last two years. It also taught me a sense of responsibility and helped me to maintain high expectations for myself. I needed a minimum score to maintain the scholarship, which provided me with a reference point and guided me to achieve higher scores later.
5. Do you think Chatsworth has helped you define your aspirations?
Definitely, Chatsworth gave me many chances to explore my own interests - beginning early on from the MYP personal project, to extra co-curricular activities where I could try out a variety of my interests. Apart from that, having teachers that always held high expectations for us encouraged me to set higher goals to continuously challenge myself.
6. What would you say to graduating students?
I’d advise them to make the most out of the last year, because it passes by so quickly! For me, I really stepped out of my comfort zone to try what I would never have thought of doing - like performing a dance routine in school for the first time, participating in peer counselling, etc. It’s really these memories that stay with you after graduating. So while studying is important, take advantage of the school’s supportive community and give yourself time to explore new areas of interests to grow in ways more than just academically!

Class of 2018
Hana Dyke

Hana Dyke
Class of 2018
1. How many years have you attended Chatsworth?
I attended Chatsworth for eight years, from Years 6 through 13.
2. You are currently undertaking International Liberal Studies at Waseda University in Tokyo. What made you choose this field?
The reason why I wanted to study at Waseda University is because Waseda is situated in the midst of a bustling city but it is also a place where I can call home (Tokyo). As for the reason why I applied for the Faculty of International Liberal Studies, is because I had no idea as to what I wanted to pursue, what I truly found interest in, as well as where I wanted to be after graduating university. The Liberal Arts allow students to study in many different disciplines for those to truly find their passion. Waseda’s Liberal Studies consists of a wide range of learning from Life Science, Economics, Literature, to even American Politics. Moreover, this faculty allows students to study abroad for one year which grants students to further expand their knowledge upon different cultures, different fields as well as legitimately becoming a part of a community far from home. Besides, knowing what you truly want to pursue while still being a high school student is extremely challenging especially because today with rapid technological advancements, new professions are being created every single day. The job you pursue in the future may have yet to be discovered. Therefore, by joining the faculty of Liberal Studies I can experiment in many different fields which I believe is an advantage to the markets in the future.
3. How has your IB education informed your university studies?
The International Baccalaureate is one of the most prestigious education programs and I am now more than grateful that I had undergone this challenging, yet rewarding two -year course. During the two years of the IB, I despised the amount of work I was given and dreaded the hours I had to put in to study for the everlasting tests and exams. Moreover, at that time, I always thought CAS was not very helpful and never understood its importance and significance. However, I now understand how amazing opportunities in CAS have been - it enabled me to give back to the community as well as keep myself fit and healthy. The IB experience has helped and still helps me so much in university and life in general. I am surprised to learn that many students do not know how to give a presentation, format a report, cite sources, and much more. Whereas with the acquisition of the IB education, I am capable of exploiting multidisciplinary skills as well as think in a logical yet open-minded approach. Thereupon, I am extremely thankful for the skills, opportunity, and advantage that IB gave me for my further studies, but also for the acquisition of my future profession.
4. What are your favourite memories during your time at Chatsworth?
I have so many fun memories during my time at Chatsworth which include the yearly CEW trips, sports day, playing sports for the school, and lunch breaks with my friends. However, the most memorable and emotional moment I had was the time my U19 basketball team won the Division 2 tournament in my final year at Chatsworth. I played basketball for seven consecutive years at Chatsworth and this was the first time I was able to experience winning a gold medal in my favourite sport with the best teammates. What made this moment so special was that we lost against this team before. Yet, in the finals, we had another chance to play against them and earn the gold medal. Chatsworth is a much smaller school compared to the other international schools in Singapore, yet the fact that we were able to gather a small group of girls that work so well together was such a valuable experience. I will never forget the members of the team, people who supported us, and the school for giving me this opportunity to experience such a priceless moment.
5. What advice would you give to the graduating students?
I felt a lot of pressure when deciding where and what to study in university, but you don’t have to know what you want to study in university, let alone what you want to pursue in the future. I thought that I needed to specialise in one of the HL subjects that I chose to focus on in the IB, but I don’t think you should limit yourself to one particular field (unless you’re truly passionate about it). You don’t even have to attend university the semester after graduating. You can take a gap year or even two to explore the world, test your passions, and then apply to a university. By receiving the IB diploma, you are already in an extremely respected position as a person with a wide range of skills and an malleable way of thinking, an attribute which most universities look out for. Just take your time and don’t worry about the future. The job you pursue in the future might not even exist as for now.
6. What are your plans after graduation?
My experience in the Liberal Studies in university and living in Japan, in general, has opened me up to many different fields and perspectives. Throughout my time in Japan, I put myself in many different situations to find where I truly belong or where I feel comfortable and motivated to be fully committed to. Recently, I have started to notice that I should stop focusing so much on what I want to do in my job, but think more about where I want to work. I started to think more about the environment of the workplace, the culture of the community, and the employees’ values. Similar to my basketball team in Chatsworth, I want to find a place where I would want to go every day and focus on my work.. I want to feel welcomed, happy and excited about my work. This being said, I want to work for a foreign company in Japan. I have noticed that I do not see myself situated in a completely Japanese community, but rather work in an international environment where I can maximise my multilingual capabilities. I also know I want to pursue a job where I can endeavour to emphasise my creativity and simultaneously apply my logical thinking skills.

Class of 2017
Matteo Cecamore

Matteo Cecamore
Class of 2017
1. Which year levels have you attended Chatsworth?
I attended Chatsworth from Year 9 to Year 13.
2. What have you been up to since you graduated from Chatsworth?
I have completed my Robotics Engineering degree with Queen Mary University of London and am now pursuing a one year Master’s of Science in Advanced Robotics at the same university. I am also continuing to work for the company Reventec in order to continue the projects that I had started last year as part of my internship.
3. Has Chatsworth helped you define your aspirations?
Yes, being a small school I had the opportunity of trying various extra activities which I would not have had the chance to try in other schools because of higher competition. Thanks to this, Chatsworth gave me the tools and experience required to better understand the world around me and make informed decisions.
4. Can you share some fond memories from your time at Chatsworth?
The sense of community that I felt in Chatsworth is something that is quite unique compared to many schools. I always felt welcome and part of the community. I remember the welcoming attitude of the students over there who were willing to make new friends and who would often hang out after school playing sports or exploring Singapore. I also really enjoyed the openness and helpfulness of the teachers who were willing to support me with coursework and university applications.
5. What advice would you give to the graduating students?
Learn to be proactive in life and assume your own responsibilities. Try not to lie to yourself. Learn to send emails and talk to people, you will be surprised by how much communication is helpful in getting what you need. School gives you objectives and a direction to follow, however when you graduate you will have to give yourself a direction with the risk of making a wrong choice. Make sure you have a clear goal and beware of new people that give you easy solutions or tell you what to become.
6. What are your plans after graduation?
I am looking to seek a career as an engineer in the robotic, industrial and automotive sector especially focused on electric vehicles research and development. Personally I think I will still be in the UK but I will possibly be looking at moving to a different country or be back in Singapore.

Assistant Head of Primary and IBPYP Coordinator
Eleri Connor

Eleri Connor
Assistant Head of Primary and IBPYP Coordinator
1. How long have you been at Chatsworth and what is your role?
This will be my 9th year at Chatsworth. I started teaching Year 3 at our East Campus, then after moving to the Bukit Timah campus I taught Year 5 for two years. I have been Coordinator of the Junior Years department for sometime and have also coordinated CCAs and ECAs at Chatsworth. This year I will be leaving the classroom as I am beginning a new role as PYP Coordinator and Assistant Principal of the Primary school.
2. What do you love about the school?
There are many things that I love about the school! I am thankful that we are away from the city and surrounded by nature, I just love listening to the birds and wildlife when I arrive in the morning.
I also love our school community, we are all caring and we look after each other. Most of all, I love seeing our students engaging in their learning; embracing the opportunity to learn more about things that are interesting to them and then enthusiastically sharing their discoveries with their friends.
3. Where are you from originally and why did you choose to come work at Chatsworth?
I am originally from a small village in Wales where everybody knows everybody else. In my first teaching position I was teaching a class of 30 students from Year 3 to Year 6, then I moved to a town and a larger school with one class per year level. When moving to Singapore I wasn't only looking for a job, but for a community and family away from home, so our East Campus was the perfect match.
4. What hobbies or interests do you have outside of school?
I have a lot of hobbies and my friends joke that I must manage my time very well to be able to fit everything in! My first love is running - I'm no athlete, but I enjoy challenging myself to run a bit further or a bit faster. What I like most about running is that anyone can do it and there are plenty of fun places to run in Singapore.
I have been a member of a Boxing gym for about 5 years, it's ok, I have no intention to enter a competition! I really enjoy learning new techniques and also my coaches make me work hard on my fitness.
Both of my grandmothers were seamstresses and I have recently started sewing for myself. I like making gifts for friends and remind them that their gifts may not be perfectly made, but they are made with love.
During the holidays I spend a few mornings a week volunteering at Willing Hearts, find me at school and I will tell you all about it. It's hard work, but totally worth it!
5. What would you say to a prospective student/parent as to why they should choose Chatsworth?
Chatsworth has a wonderful learning environment for students to thrive in, and our teachers genuinely care about the well-being of our students. I really believe that students must be happy, confident and enthusiastic to be able to learn, and I feel that at Chatsworth, as we uphold the attributes of the Learner Profile, our students become knowledgeable, independent inquirers, who love learning.

Primary Music Teacher
Allan Marcelo

Allan Marcelo
Primary Music Teacher
1. How long have you been at Chatsworth and what is your role?
This is my 13th year in Chatsworth.
2. What do you love about the school?
What I love about Chatsworth is that we are like a family that respects one another regardless of nationality or culture.
3. Where are you from originally and why did you choose to come work at Chatsworth?
I come from the Philippines and fate brought me. I was on holiday in the summer of 2008 and while walking along Orchard road I saw the signboard of the school then I suddenly told myself that I feel like teaching here so I inquired and applied for the position of teacher. Then the rest is history.
4. What hobbies or interests do you have outside of school?
I love organising and designing an event, creating decors, painting, making DIY stuff, I also enjoy doing set design and making props.
5. What would you say to a prospective student/parent as to why they should choose Chatsworth?
Chatsworth is a very friendly and welcoming school serving a multinational diverse community that provides a holistic education for the students.

Kindergarten Teacher
Kenya Barros

Kenya Barros
Kindergarten Teacher
1. How long have you been at Chatsworth and what is your role?
I have been at Chatsworth for more than 3 years as an early childhood specialist and K1 Homeroom teacher, and look forward to working here for many more years.
2. What do you love about the school?
I love the multi-cultural community and how the school leaders support us on our very best practices. Chatsworth is a community that is welcoming and friendly. The teachers work with excellence to provide the best educational practices to our students. Our students are our priority and we empower them and provide a holistic learning experience.
3. Where are you from originally and why did you choose to come work at Chatsworth?
I am from Brazil and coming to Chatsworth in Singapore was a great opportunity for me to put into practice my professional experience with a great international curriculum. Chatsworth is an IB school that works with the PYP program starting in the early years with an exceptional play-based curriculum, which I was very drawn to.
4. What hobbies or interests do you have outside of school?
I love nature and the arts, so my favorite hobbies are going on hikes and visiting amazing places in Singapore like The Flower Dome, the National Gallery, and the National Museum.
5. What would you say to a prospective student/parent as to why they should choose Chatsworth?
Chatsworth is a school that has a strong IB practice, and the teachers are well prepared and passionate about education. At Chatsworth, our students are agentic learners from their early years onwards. We care about each other and we do our best to support the children's learning journey. This school values each individual and empowers them to develop outstanding academic and ethical qualities.

Spanish and French Teacher and EAL Support Teacher
Clara Aguado

Clara Aguado
Spanish and French Teacher and EAL Support Teacher
1. How long have you been at Chatsworth and what is your role?
I started in the academic year August 2020. I teach MYP and DP Spanish.
2. What do you love about the school?
I love the location. I think working next to the jungle, in such a beautiful setting is a privilege. I also love the kind of students we have here: they are kind, curious and approachable.
3. Where are you from originally and why did you choose to come work at Chatsworth?
I am from Spain. I chose coming to Chatsworth because I heard good things about their way of doing things and their community: about how Chatsworth being a small school promoted a more familiar and relaxing environment in which teachers and students can succeed without the kind of pressure that exists in other big international schools.
4. What hobbies or interests do you have outside of school?
I am very passionate about yoga and running among other things like travelling, movies, gastronomy, outdoor activities or simply spending time with my family and friends.
5. What would you say to a prospective student/parent as to why they should choose Chatsworth?
I would tell them Chatsworth is an ideal choice because it offers most of the advantages of other big international schools in Singapore (strong curriculum, international context, exciting learning opportunities...) while being a small community that allows closer relationships between its members as well as a more individualised education.

Kindergarten Teacher
Liesl Pinto

Liesl Pinto
Kindergarten Teacher
1. How long have you been at Chatsworth and what is your role?
I have been at Chatsworth since August 2008 and have been teaching Kindergarten all along. I am lucky to have experienced all three campuses over the years ... First East, then Orchard and now Bukit Timah.
2. What do you love about the school?
I love the small community feel at the school and many of my colleagues and students (and their families) are like family to me as I've known them for so many years (since 2008) and we have gone through so many wonderful experiences together. I feel that having moved campuses a couple of times has helped me absorb the school culture fully and it only helped me grow as a person (both as a teacher and a colleague).
3. Where are you from originally and why did you choose to come work at Chatsworth?
I was born and brought up in Bombay, India and moved to Singapore in 2007 with my family. I began working at Chatsworth very soon after earning my Diploma in Early Childhood, when my little girl was just beginning her school life. I actually fell in love with the East Campus for my daughter and was thrilled to have been offered a position to work at the school.
4. What hobbies or interests do you have outside of school?
I used to be part of a musical girl band when I was in India and coming from a family full of musicians, music has always been a huge part of my life. I love to bring it into my classroom now and try to instil the love of music within my students. I love to read books and do long treks around Singapore to explore this beautiful country. However, as a lifelong learner, I also love to learn and I am currently studying and researching again ... I enjoy the research I am involved in around Education and Early Childhood.
5. What would you say to a prospective student/parent as to why they should choose Chatsworth?
Chatsworth has been my home for me and my family for the last 13 years. It is a close-knit community of staff, management and families where everyone seems to know one another by name. It made me feel settled when I was new to Singapore and has been my support ever since. I wouldn't have chosen another school no matter what.