Open House November 2024


We offer a range of languages to enable students to develop proficiency in their mother tongue or an additional language

What does language learning look like?

Learning an additional language develops our understanding of how language and values shape worldviews. An additional language extends the learner’s cultural awareness (of themselves and of others) and empathy. It is the vehicle for cultural capability, creates respect for diversity, and allows for different perspectives and experiences.

At Chatsworth, we encourage and nurture an appreciation and love of literature in its many forms by learning language, about language and through language. We address the needs of our students by incorporating developmentally appropriate expectations within the strands of oral communication, written communication and visual communication. Listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and presenting skills are all focused on within these strands.

In Primary school, our Kindergarten 1 are introduced to Mandarin through inquiry-based activities while K2 students are introduced to Mandarin and French. From Years 1 to 6, students receive three language lessons a week in Mandarin, French or English as an Additional Language (EAL).

In Secondary school, the Mother Tongue Programme at Chatsworth provides students with an opportunity to study their Mother Tongue within the existing school system. MYP Mother tongue studies are guided by external mother tongue teachers/ tutors who are trained in IB MYP concepts and assessment. Each MYP Year level class also meets with the Mother Tongue coordinator who provides support sessions in English to teach key MYP concepts and literary skills, whilst monitoring student progress. There is an opportunity for students to earn the MYP Bilingual Certificate which set them up for success for the Bilingual Diploma at the end of the two-year IB Diploma Programme. 

IBMYP Language Pathways

As an IB World School, all students are required to study two languages. As English is the language of instruction at Chatsworth, it is a requirement that one of those two languages be English. There are three1 different Language pathways offered at Chatsworth.

MYP PathwaysLanguages

Pathway 1

Group 1 English Language and Literature
Group 2 French Language OR Chinese Language Acquisition2

Pathway 2

Group 1 Mother Tongue Language and Literature
Group 2 English Language Acquisition2

Pathway 3

Group 1 English Language and Literature
Group 1 Mother Tongue Language and Literature

 In special circumstances a Year 7 student may be permitted to take Language B (English) and Language B (French/Mandarin). This is approved on a case by case basis.

The same Language Acquisition is taken in each year of the MYP, or to the point where the student has achieved appropriate proficiency.

What is the difference between Language A and B?

Language A or Language and Literature is designed for those who are proficient communicators in the language. It is a course that develops literary concepts and language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and presenting), engaging students in the study of many aspects of the language and literature of communities and their cultures.

Language B or Language Acquisition is designed for students to develop and refine the use of their language skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing) and appreciating the culture of the target language in different contexts.

Languages in the MYP 

MYP Mother tongue studies are guided by external mother tongue teachers/ tutors who are trained in IB MYP concepts and assessment. Each MYP Year level class also meets with the Mother Tongue coordinator who provides support sessions in English to teach key MYP concepts and literary skills, whilst monitoring student progress.

IBDP Language Pathways

There are three language pathways in our IB Diploma Programme.

DP PathwaysLanguages

Pathway 1

Group 1 English A: Language and Literature SL/HL
Group 2 Language Acquisition French B or Chinese B SL/HL or Spanish Ab Initio SL or 
*Pamoja Spanish B SL
*Pamoja French Ab Initio SL 
*Pamoja Mandarin Ab Initio SL

Bilingual Pathway 1

Group 1 Language A: Literature School-supported self-taught SL 
Group 2 Language Acquisition English B HL

Bilingual Pathway 2

Group 1 English A: Language and Literature SL/HL
Group 1 Language A: Literature School-supported self-taught SL

DP (SSST) School Supported Self-Taught Literature SL Course

The IB Diploma Programme School-supported Self-taught (SSST) Literature is offered in Years 12 and 13. This is a literature course which allows students to study literature in their mother tongue with an external support under the supervision of the SSST Coordinator. A wide range of School Supported Self-taught course (SSST) options are also available for DP students as a Group 2 course choice. SSST courses are designed for native speakers of a language as an additional Language A choice. SSST students follow the language A: literature standard level (SL) course. The syllabus is divided into four parts, and there are four assessment components.

Students have two scheduled lessons per week to explore elements of literature as well as the requirements for the different components. They also have the support of a tutor to allow for the transition of knowledge and literacy skills to the mother tongue. This will incur an additional fee, payable to the external tutor. Students complete all components and sit their final exam in their mother tongue. Students who pass a SSST course along with their English course will obtain a Bilingual Diploma from the IB. Certain conditions are required (such as provision by the family for a suitable Mother Tongue Supervisor to teach the course), so interested students and their parents need to discuss this option with the DP coordinator to determine the feasibility of taking the desired course.

What is the difference between Language A and B?

Language A or Language and Literature is designed for those who are proficient communicators in the language. It is a course that develops literary concepts and language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and presenting), engaging students in the study of many aspects of the language and literature of communities and their cultures.

Language B or Language Acquisition is designed for students to develop and refine the use of their language skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing) and appreciating the culture of the target language in different contexts.

Mother Tongue Language Programme

The Mother Tongue Language Programme at our secondary school runs from MYP1 to DP2 (Years 7 to 13). Mother Tongue courses are designed for students who have native and near native levels of their Mother Tongue language, and require fluency in all four areas (reading, writing, speaking, listening).

Framed by the MYP and DP principles and requirements, the mother tongue programme is aligned with progressive objectives, skills and understandings to address students' language and cognitive development. It is an inquiry-based, project-based and concept driven programme that allows the students and external teachers (mother tongue tutors) to decide on the content of the units whilst following the required skills and understandings. The Mother Language Tongue programme aims to:

  • develop learners’ critical thinking and creative skills in their mother tongue language
  • engage learners with a range of literary and non-literary texts originally written in their mother tongue
  • develop learners’ listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and presenting skills in their mother tongue
  • develop learners’ curiosity to inquire and research about their mother tongue culture and language
  • develop learners’ cultural identity and personal interest in their mother tongue language and culture
  • appreciate the cultures, values and traditions of others.

At Chatsworth, we offer a broad range of mother tongue languages that are available in the list of DP School Supported Self-taught Languages (SSST). Our Mother Tongue Language Programme is supported by external mother tongue tutors who are fully trained in IB concepts and assessment. In school, students are timetabled to meet with the Mother Tongue coordinator. The role of the coordinator is to assist the students in the language and literary skills needed for the MYP or DP, and provide support to mother tongue tutors to ensure that the curriculum delivered meets the standards of the school and the IB. Separate fees apply and are payable to the tutors.

Assessment and Reporting

Assessment and reporting in Mother Tongue is in line with Chatsworth’s Assessment Policy and Procedures, and the IB assessment policies.