Open House April 2023
Chatsworth provides a positive, affirming and stimulating environment where our kindergarten learners begin their journey of discovery and learning

International Kindergarten and Preschool

Chatsworth provides a positive, affirming and stimulating environment where our kindergarten learners begin their journey of discovery and learning.

International Kindergarten K1 and K2 (3 to 5 years old)

We know the search for your child’s first school is not an easy one in Singapore and it's especially so if you are an expat family. The early years of a child's education are vital to their future success, setting foundations academically as well as personally and socially. For that reason, Chatsworth strives to provide a nurturing environment where our youngest learners can explore, discover and grow into happy and confident individuals.

Our preschool introduces your child to international kindergarten education through a quality curriculum tailored for preschoolers aged 3 to 5. The Early Childhood Centre is a safe and secure space that blends indoor and outdoor spaces to encourage creative and play-based area. The customised play area includes a playground, a sandpit, a water play space, a bike track, etc.

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The Curriculum

At Chatsworth, the Kindergarten curriculum is drawn from the internationally recognised IB Primary Years Programme (PYP), which is designed for preschoolers and students, aged 3 to 11. An international ‘best practice’ educational framework, the IB PYP stimulates and nurtures students’ sense of curiosity and imagination through an inquiry and play-based approach in school. Our Kindergarten classrooms in Singapore are carefully designed and richly resourced to enrich learning opportunities for students.

Subject Disciplines


English as an Additional Language (EAL)



Social Studies

Mandarin (K1 and K2)
Mandarin or French (Years 1 to 6)

Arts (Drama, Music and Visual Art)

Personal, Social and Physical Education

Library (Literacy and Research Skills)

Digital Citizenship/ Keeping Safe Curriculum

Communication and Parent Involvement

Communication with parents is an integral part of our kindergarten and preschool programmes at Chatsworth. Our early childhood teachers communicate with parents weekly via email, and the school shares important information relating to school and programmes through electronic letters and newsletters.

The school leverages a leading online platform for IB international schools and a digital portfolio platform to document and inform parents about their child’s learning and progress. Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences (PTSCs) are held twice a year, with detailed reports being issued.

In addition to planned parent participatory sessions throughout the year, we encourage parents to get involved in their child’s pre-primary education at school by visiting the classroom to assist with activities or lessons, watching performances or helping with field trips. Our ‘open-door’ policy provides parents the opportunity to meet with teachers at mutually convenient times to discuss their child’s progress in preschool.

Why Parents Choose our International Early Years Programme

  • Our class sizes are small and that enables more personalised attention and support to meet the needs of individual learners.
  • Our passionate and highly experienced international teachers implement innovative and stimulating play-based learning and pedagogy for our preschool programme.
  • We provide excellent opportunities for the young ones to interact with their older peers and build confidence and trusting relationships.
  • We provide a safe, welcoming and affirming school environment with great facilities and green surroundings.
Kindergarten students exploring pottery